Robotic surgeryWhile laparoscopic liver surgery has become a standard procedure, experience with robotic liver surgery is still limited. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate safety and feasibility of robotic liver surgery and compare outcomes with conventional laparoscopy.We here report the...
In Reply: Dr Maruthappu and colleagues suggest that robotic surgery is likely associated with a learning curve. Furthermore, given that robotically
Laparoscopic Surgery and Robotic SurgeryLaparoscopic surgery has become a standard treatment for early-stage gastric cancer. Many studies have demonstrated its safety, efficacy, and the significant advantages resulting from its minimally indoi:10.1007/978-981-10-3978-2_6Meng Wang...
Einarsson J. FOR: robotic surgery has no advantages over conventional laparoscopic surgery. BJOG (2014) 121:1554. doi:10.1111/1471-0528. 12879Ind T. AGAINST: Robotic Surgery has no advantages over conventional laparoscopic surgery. BJOG 2014;121:1555....
《泌尿外科腹腔镜与机器人手术学(LaparoscopicandRoboticSurgery》作者:人民卫生出版社,出版社:2021年1月 第1版,ISBN:528.00。本书充分展现了机器人在手术操作中的稳、准、快、直观和微创的优势与特点,结合中国人民解放军总医院开展机
Another disadvantage of robotic surgery is the high cost. A retrospective analysis conducted by Venkat et al. [46] analyzed the costs, reimbursements, and charges comparing robotic vs. laparoscopic surgery for EC. A comprehensive analysis of direct costs and charges revealed that robotic surgery in...
doi:10.1111/1471-0528.12879SURGICAL robotsLAPAROSCOPIC surgeryThe article discusses a study which suggests that robotic surgery has no advantages over conventional laparoscopic surgery.BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & GynaecologyEinarsson, Jon...
为深入贯彻党的二十大精神,推动科技期刊高质量发展,提升科技期刊的学术质量和队伍素质,浙江省科技期刊编辑学会组织开展期刊评比与表彰活动。经专家评审,Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery喜获“卓越科技期刊奖”! LERS是由教育部主管,浙...
2022年9月24日清晨,LERS编辑部荣幸地收到了Scopus遴选委员会(Content Selection & Advisory Board, CSAB)的邮件,祝贺Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery正式被Scopus数据库收录。 CSAB的评审专家给予了LERS高度的认可。自创刊以来,LER...
This randomized clinical trial compares the effects of robotic-assisted vs conventional laparoscopic surgery on the risk of conversion to open laparotomy