WeaQA: Weak Supervision via Captions for Visual Question Answering; Pratyay Banerjee et al MULTIINSTRUCT: Improving Multi-Modal Zero-Shot Learning via Instruction Tuning; Zhiyang Xu et al SELF-INSTRUCT: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions; Yizhong Wang et al Exploring the Impact ...
A-Paper-List-of-Awesome-Tabular-LLMs Different types of tables are widely used to store and present information. To automatically process numerous tables and gain valuable insights, researchers have proposed a series of deep-learning models for various table-based tasks, e.g., table question answ...
In this paper, I draw on the ethnography of language planning and policy to consider how urban Indigenous language education might benefit from understanding the meanings and processes behind other language planning and policy activities migrant youth pa
We use PaLM 2-S and GPT 3.5 as the backbone LLMs and conduct the experiments on three public table understanding benchmarks: WikiTQ, TabFact, and FeTaQA. WikiTQ and FeTaQA are datasets for table-based question answering. TabFact is a table-based fact verification benchmark. In this blog...
Section UI UsiriR Language Part I Talk about scientific experiences 听说技能强化 听说课前清障 1. cast vt. 投射;向投以视线笑容等;投掷 2. sh
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 13 : 2 February 2013 Kaneez Fatima Syeda Narratological Framework in Heer Waris Shah - An Application of Valadimir Propp's Narrative Situations 204 Conclusion This paper clearly supports the claim that Heer Waris Shah, if judged according to narrative fram...
Qwen-Audio-Chat: A multimodal LLM-based AI assistant, which is trained with alignment techniques. Qwen-Audio-Chat supports more flexible interaction, such as multiple audio inputs, multi-round question answering, and creative capabilities.