Two devices, using low modulation frequencies, produced within 1% the same shape of the SD curve. The third (200 kHz) yielded 10 to 25% lower values in the maximum of the SD curve; the discrepancy depended upon the pressure and diminished towards more negative probe potentials. The influence...
csony J,Derzsi A et al.Theoretical model for study of the voltage-current curve of a Langmuir-probe used in the hot region of the ECR plasma. Physics Letters . 2008Kenez L; Kardcsony J; Derzsi A.Theoretical model forstudy of the voltage - current curve of a Langmuir - probeused in ...
csony J,Derzsi A et al.Theoretical model for study of the voltage-current curve of a Langmuir-probe used in the hot region of the ECR plasma. Physics Letters . 2008Kenez L; Kardcsony J; Derzsi A.Theoretical model forstudy of the voltage - current curve of a Langmuir - probeused in ...
[33]. Due to all this background research, we decide to probe the insertion of mixtures of MNPs:HTFPZ+or DCFN−into the preformed DSPA monolayer and the results are shown inFigure 5. Additionally, these experiments were performed as described inSection 4, and the schematic representation ...