(Langerhans cell histiocytosis,LCH) 是一组以骨髓来源的朗格汉斯细胞(Langerhans cell)异常增生,伴有数量不等的中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞、浆细胞及多核巨细胞浸润,引起组织破坏的疾患。多见于儿童,国外文献示,0-14岁儿童发病率约...
(左图)图示肺部朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症患者的典型肺部异常形态特征,包括上肺区优势的小星状结节和/或囊性病变,并相对保留肺底部实质。(右图)35岁女性吸烟者,患有肺部朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症,表现为咳嗽和呼吸困难。正位胸片显示上肺和中肺区小不规则结节为主,其中一些结节呈现中央透亮区(箭头)。 (左图)同...
LANGERHANS-cell histiocytosisDERMATOLOGYDEAR EDITOR, A 32-year-old man presented to our dermatology department for evaluation of several papules extending above his scalp, face and trunk, and some nodular lesions at the axillary areas, which had gradually increased in number and size over the ...
朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis, LCH) | 放射科早读片病例分享---病例(53)
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a condition in which a person's Langerhans cells grow abnormally. The signs of Langerhans cell...
Langerhans cell histiocytosis释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 [医]朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症;双语例句 全部 1. Skin biopsy and immunohistochemical study confirmed the diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. 经病理及免疫组化检查证实为朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症. 来自互联网 2. Purpose : To investigate the ...
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis is a rare childhood disease characterized by the abnormal growth of Langerhans cells, mainly in the craniofacial bones and skull base. It can present with various symptoms, but the most common is diabetes insipidus. ...
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2141.2000.02535.xLANGERHANS cellsLANGERHANS-cell histiocytosisINFANT diseasesBONE marrow diseasesDENDRITIC cellsPresents images of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an 18-month-old girl with bone marrow infiltration.British Journal of HaematologyBrunning, Richard D....
朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis, LCH)是一组组织细胞增生性疾病,是髓系来源的炎性肿瘤性疾病。其病理特点是CD207(langerin)阳性的未成熟树突状细胞形成肉芽肿样病变,伴局部炎性细胞浸润。 由于LCH来自于造血干细胞,因此可累及全身各个脏器,以皮肤、 骨骼、肺和垂体多见。临床表现异质性强,...
朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(langerhans cell histiocytosis,LCH)是罕见单核-吞噬系统细胞异常增生性疾病。单核吞噬系统包括吞噬细胞/单核细胞和树突状细胞,朗格汉斯细胞是一种树突状细胞,分布皮肤鳞状上皮、淋巴结、胸腺上皮、支气管黏膜等,通过吞噬、提呈抗原和激活 T 细胞发挥免疫作用。LCH患者朗格汉斯细胞过度活化、异...