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Getting Started 里说明,需要python 3.11以上的版本 LangChain from dotenv import load_dotenv import os load_dotenv() os.environ['TAVILY_API_KEY'] = os.getenv('TAVILY_API_KEY') from import TavilySearchResults search = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)...
# tools = load_tools(['serpapi', 'llm-math']) # 如果搜索完想再让他再用python的print做点简单的计算,可以这样写 # tools=load_tools(["serpapi","python_repl"]) """ agent:代理类型 zero-shot-react-description: 根据工具的描述和请求内容的来决定使用哪个工具(最常用) react-docstore: 使用 Re...
9. 10. 11. 遇到的错误 ImportError: cannot import name 'load_tools' from 'langchain.agents' 我用的是python3.7,然后将python版本升级到了3.9就解决了。 参考
问题三:ImportError: Could not import chromadb python package. Please install it with pip install chromadb. 本来以为是个很简单的问题,但是装了几遍都报了另一个错 ERROR: Could not build wheels for hnswlib, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects 最后得到答案 安装前,先在命令行...
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Getting started with LangChain LangChain is open source and free to use: source code is available for download on Github (link resides outside LangChain can also be installed on Python with a simple pip command: pip install langchain. To install all LangChain dependencies (rat...
当然也可以不创建虚拟环境,看个人习惯,创建虚拟环境只是为了pip包之间隔离,每个项目使用不一样的python版本和pip包。 创建好环境后,还需要激活环境: conda activate loogchain_study1 再pip安装一下langchain所需的包: pip install langchain_openai pip install langchain ...
Abhay Parashar in The Pythoneers 28 Insanely Useful Python Code Snippets For Everyday Problems Boost Your Productivity with These Time-Saving Python Solutions 5d ago Bhavik Jikadara Getting Started with MLOps: A Beginner’s Guide The Comprehensive Guide to MLOps Mar 31 Sivasathivel Kandasamy ...