Chat Memory ConversationalRetrievalChain Create a chatbot Conclusion 本课程是吴恩达与OpenAI、Hugging Face、LangChain等机构联合打造,面向开发者的LLM系列课程第四讲——LangChain:与你的数据对话,由LangChain联合创始人兼CEO Harrison Chase和吴恩达合作授课。 课程链接 LangChain: Chat with Your Data 建议大家直接看...
🌟Andrew Ng is Renowned AI researcher, co-founder of Coursera, and the founder of DeepLearning.AI. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field, Andrew has played a pivotal role in popularizing AI education. 🔗 Reference: "LangChain: Chat with Your Data" course. To enroll in...
今天我们来继续讲解deepleaning.AI的在线课程“LangChain: Chat with Your Data”的第五门课:问答(ques...
Note: This code is pulled directly from document loaders chapter of Langchain Chat With Your Data course with Harrison Chase and Andrew Ng. It downloads an audio file of a public youtube video and generates a transcript. In a Jupyter notebook, configure your Azure OpenAI environment variables ...
LangChain是一个框架,用于开发由LLM驱动的应用程序。可以简单认为是LLM领域的Spring,以及开源版的ChatGPT插件系统。核心的2个功能为: 1)可以将 LLM 模型与外部数据源进行连接。 2)允许与 LLM 模型与环境进行交互,通过Agent使用工具。 图1. 02 LangChain核心组件 ...
APIs, PDFs, and SQL databases. Data indexes then structure this information into formats optimised for LLMs. The platform facilitates natural language interactions through query engines for knowledge-augmented outputs, chat engines for interactive dialogues, and data agents that blend LLMs with tools....
1. 支持多种语言模型:该仓库通过API调用支持多种语言模型,包括ChatGPT、Google PaLM、Inspur Yuan 1....
by Harrison Chase and Andrew Ng 由哈里森蔡司和吴恩达编写(都是视频课程)。 LangChain for LLM Application Development 01.朗琴对于大语言模型应用研发。 ⛓ LangChain Chat with Your Data 02.使用朗琴基于自己的数据进行对话。 (2)手册 - Handbook LangChain AI Handbook By James Briggs and Francisco In...
code\\langchain-chat-with-your-data: LangChain: Chat with Your Data code\\langchain-llm-app-dev: LangChain for LLM Application DevelopmentLangchain chain type: Summarizerstuff: Sends everything at once in LLM. If it's too long, an error will ...
Import your OpenAI API key: String apiKey = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"); You can also use the API key demo to test OpenAI, which we provide for free. How to get an API key? Create an instance of a model and start interacting: OpenAiChatModel model = OpenAiChatModel.withApiKey(...