We conclude the chapter with the analysis of the external field on the phase transition, using the properties of conjugation between the field and order parameter.doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-1487-2_2Alexander UmantsevSpringer New YorkToledano J.-K., Toledano P. Landau Theory of Phase Transition. ...
3) landau theory 朗道理论 1. On the basis of Landau theory, the free energy of boracites is regarded as the function of the three components p1, p2, p3 of the spontaneous polarization. 在朗道理论基础之上,将方硼盐的自由能始终看成自发极化矢量的3个分量p1,p2,p3的函数,利用极值条件和稳定性...
网络朗道相变理论 网络释义 1. 朗道相变理论 朗道相变理论,Landau... ... ) Landau liquid helium theory 朗道液氦理论 )Landau theory of phase transition朗道相变理论... www.dictall.com|基于2个网页
We use the Landau theory of phase transitions to describe the phase diagram of a liquid crystal displaying the isotropic (i), nematic (N), smectic-A and smectic-C phases. The order parameter of the smectic-C phase is defined as the projection of the director on the plane of the smectic...
The contents of this book stems from three different objectives. First, it is an introduction to the basic principles and techniques of Landau's theory, which is intended for teaching purposes. A s...
Landau theorystructural phase transitionorder-disorder transitionpseudoproper ferroelasticYBa 2Cu 3O 7-x/ A6470K Solid-solid transitions A7470V Perovskite phase superconductors/ YBa2Cu3O/ss Ba2/ss Cu3/ss Ba/ss Cu/ss O/ss Y/ssNot Availabledoi:10.1002/pssb.2221510148V. Dvo?ák...
朗道理论,landau... ... ) Rankine theory 朗肯理论 ) landau theory 朗道理论 ) Ginzburg Landau theory 金兹堡-朗道理论 ... www.dictall.com|基于7个网页 例句 释义: 全部,朗道理论 更多例句筛选 1. Landau Theory of Phase Transition Applied to Bias Exchange of Spontaneous Magnetization 自发磁化交换偏置...
The theory of reconstructive transitions is outlined and illustrated by the examples of the graphite-diamond transition and by the phase diagram of iron. An extention of the phenomenological approach to incommensurate structures to the crystal-amorphous transition is proposed (see also the chapter by ...
The Landau theory of phase transition has been successfully applied to solve a number of important problems in the dynamics of martensitic phase transformations in alloys. On the other hand, although a precise mathematical description of the microstructures is known within the framework of Cauchy-Born...
The Discussion for Applicable Scope of Landau Theory of Phase Transition in Flunction of the Critical Point NearbyLandau相变理论Ginzburg梯度项序参量涨落关联函数Landau相变理论是研究晶体各种结构相变的有力工具.在临界点附近某些序参量的涨落很大,导致Landau相变理论失去作用.在自由能密度的展开式中需要考虑...