NSW build-to-rent land tax and stamp duty reformsMulyono, CherieTaxation in Australia
The article discusses the non-discretionary trust and tax-free land tax threshold policy in New South Wales (NSW). An overview on the provisions for NSW land tax legislation as enacted in the Land Tax Management Act 1956 (LTMA), is presented. Also cited are the sections of LTMA along wi...
Payment methods 14 Land Tax 2015 In ormation Booklet INFORMATION BOOKLET | Land Tax 2015 3 o 14 What is land tax? Land tax is a tax levied on the owners o land in NSW as at midnight on 31 December o each year. Land tax applies to land regardless o whether ...
Domestic rates are a property tax based on the valuation of your home. The income is used to fund both local and regional services in Northern Ireland. The... Land and Property Services, Department of Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland) - Land and Property Services, Department of Finance...
Higher stamp duty land tax - consultation
[1917] NSW land tax: no exemption for subdivided bowling club land.(Brief Article)Wilson, Kirk
[536] NSW land tax: assessment confirmed - applicant has no standing.(New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal)(Brief Article)Wilson, Kirk
[2174] NSW: Land tax assessments upheld.(Paliflex Pty Ltd.)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie
Owners of NSW Contaminated or Heritage Constrained Land May Be Entitled to Lower Rates and Land TaxBateman, Brendan
[2231] NSW: Reminder of land tax changes for 2005.(New South Wales)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie