NSW build-to-rent land tax and stamp duty reformsMulyono, CherieTaxation in Australia
The NSW Government's 2020 proposal to replace stamp duty on all properties with an annual tax based on unimproved land values is estimated to increase home ownership by 6.6%, through changes in purchaser holding periods, a shift of tax b... M Warlters,P Miller,G Otto,... - 《Economic...
Businesses can register their interest now atwww.service.nsw.gov.au. NSW business grants NSW businesses with Australian wages below AU$10 million can claim grants between AU$7,500 and AU$15,000 to cover the first three-weeks of restrictions. The grant can be used for business expenses such...
Further information about your privacy rights can be found on the Department’s website: http://.facs.nsw.gov.au/ site_information/privacy or by calling: 02 9377 6000 or by emailing: privacy@facs.nsw.gov.au. Consent & Authority Please read and sign the consent and the declaration below ...
[536] NSW land tax: assessment confirmed - applicant has no standing.(New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal)(Brief Article)Wilson, Kirk
[1917] NSW land tax: no exemption for subdivided bowling club land.(Brief Article)Wilson, Kirk
[2174] NSW: Land tax assessments upheld.(Paliflex Pty Ltd.)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie
[2231] NSW: Reminder of land tax changes for 2005.(New South Wales)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie
[286] NSW land tax: initial registrations due 28 February 2005.(Office Of State Revenue)(Brief Article)Jones, StuartWilson, Kirk
Owners of NSW Contaminated or Heritage Constrained Land May Be Entitled to Lower Rates and Land TaxBateman, Brendan