E Dhara is Gujarat’s e-governance portal for land record-keeping. You can also view the 7/12 farmer certificate Gujarat, AnyROR Gujarat document for official purposes
e-Jamin IntegratedLandRecords ManagementSystemofGujarat RevenueDepartment GujaratState On-linelandrecordsfrom225e-DKs &14000e-GramCenters&Internet (IntegratedComputerised LandRecordManagementCentre) e-Dhara:RevenueDepartment-Gujarat Landrecords-anoverview •4FormswhicharecollectivelyknownasRecordofRights (RoR) –...
The design contract was awarded to the German architectural firmgmp Internationalin 2022. Khatib & Alami won the engineering contract. The other packages contractors have submitted bids for are the opera house, the museum, the oceanarium and coral farm, and infrastructure works. Hamburg (Germany)-...