E Dhara is Gujarat’s e-governance portal for land record-keeping. You can also view the 7/12 farmer certificate Gujarat, AnyROR Gujarat document for official purposes
簡介 Gujarat Land Record land record data Information provide for a landowner, farmer, or curious citizen, easily explore Khata and Khasra details or perform quick searches by name. Key Features: Land Record Access for RURAL AND URBAN:
Forcalculating land areain India, various types of localland measurementunits are used. In spite of the presence of standardland measurementunits used globally, some countries, including India, also use more locally popular benchmarks, which have been in practice for long. In this article, we d...
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everything they do is based on the principles of professional excellence, integrity and social responsibility. The firm has worked on some of the world’s most challenging projects, from iconic buildings and transformational masterplans to record-breaking rail networks and life-critical water supplies...
Land use land cover changes in pre-and post-earthquake affected area using Geoinformatics–Western Coast of Gujarat, India. Disaster Adv. 2015, 8, 1–14. [Google Scholar] Thilagavathi, N.; Subramani, T.; Suresh, M. Land use/land cover change detection analysis in Salem chalk hills, ...
However, the scenario could be considerably more favorable and complex in the remaining parts of the region, which received either more winter precipitation (Pakistani Punjab), summer precipitation (Gujarat), or both (Eastern Punjab and Haryana) [10]. We expect that the opportunity offered by ...
Ph.D. Thesis, CEPT University, Gujarat, India, 2011; pp. 11–15. [Google Scholar] Fischer, M.M.; Nijkamp, P. Handbook of Regional Science. Available online: https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-662-60723-7 (accessed on 7 November 2021). Jayasinghe, A.; Sano, K.;...
Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 395007, Gujarat, India 3 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 411008, Maharashtra, India 4 Department of Civil Engineering, University North, Jurja Krizanica 31b, 42000 Varazdin, Croatia * Authors to ...