2) land data assimilation system 陆面数据同化系统 1. So the land data assimilation system is developed to solve the problem. 而观测和模拟作为获得地表数据的两种基本手段,由于其各自的局限性,其精度已经不能满足进一步研究的需求,在这样的背景下,陆面数据同化系统逐步发展起来。 2. We first introduced ...
Land Data Assimilation System: Development and Applications Hui Lu CESS May 6, 2013 Contents • Definition of Data Assimilation • Principles of LDAS • Current status of LDAS • Case studies –Gaize and Wenjiang: point scale applications –Tibetan Plateau: better land surface flux estimates...
A Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) has been developed. Its purpose is to ingest satellite- and ground-based observational data products, using advanced land surface modeling and data assimilation techniques, in order to generate optimal fields of land surface states and fluxes. GLDAS is...
A Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) has been developed. Its purpose is to ingest satellite- and ground-based observational data products, using advanced land surface modeling and data assimilation techniques, in order to generate optimal fields of land surface states and fluxes. GLDAS is...
Kumar, S. V., M. Jasinski, D. Mocko, et al., 2018: NCA-LDAS land analysis: Development and performance of a multi-sensor, multivariate land data assimilation system for the National Climate Assessment.J. Hydrometeor., doi: 10.1175/ JHM-D-17-0125.1. ...
We have developed Chinese land data assimilation system (CLDAS). In this system, the Common Land Model (CoLM) is used to simulate land surface processes. The radiative transfer models of thawed and frozen soil, snow, and vegetation are used as observation operators to transfer model pred...
The Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) is generating a series of land surface state (e.g., soil moisture and surface temperature) and flux (e.g., evaporation and sensible heat flux) products simulated by four land surface models (CLM, Mosaic, Noah and VIC). These products are ...
Global Land Data Assimilation System data assessment using a distributed biosphere hydrological model 528. Elsevier, pp. 652-667.Qi, W., Zhang, C., Fu, G. T., and Zhou, H. C.: Global Land Data Assimilation System data assessment using a distributed 25 biosphere hydrological model, Journal...
The Global Land Data Assimilation System.doi:10.1175/BAMS-85-3-381A Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) has been developed. Its purpose is to ingest satellite- and ground-based observational data products, using advanced land surface modeling and data assimilation techniques, in order to ...
A satellite Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS-WRF) was developed by coupling the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF), as an atmospheric driver, to physically introduce the soil moisture observations and improve the representation of land surface and lower boundary conditions in Numerical Wea...