回顾了中国气象局高分辨率陆面数据同化系统(High Resolution China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System,HRCLDAS)的研发历程,重点介绍了HRCLDAS研发过程中的重要进展和突破,概要阐述了这些进展对HRCLDAS业务化的贡献.主要包括:引入1 km分辨率地形数据,采用多重网格变分分析技术制作1 km分辨率气象驱动数据...
Therefore, CMA Land Data Assimilation System (CLDAS) Project is proposed to meet the demand of drought monitoring and other meteorological, agricultural and hydrological requirements over China. CLDAS project consists of three stages. The first stage aims to realize STMAS operation for producing forcing...
【摘要】回顾了中国气象局高分辨率陆面数据同化系统(High Resolution China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System,HRCLDAS)的研发历程,重点介绍了HRCLDAS研发过程中的重要进展和突破,概要阐述了这些进展对HRCLDAS业务化的贡献.主要包括:引入1 km分辨率地形数据,采用多重网格变分分析技术制作1 km分辨率气象...
data from the CMA server.(http://cemc.cma.cn/intro.html?idx=1)# The GRAPES_GFS(here in after referred to as CMA_GFS), the new generation of Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System# which is independently developped by China Meteorological Administration (CMA), has been ...
The model physics package includes RRTMG short/long wave radiation, simplified Arakawa-Schubert cumulus and WSM-6 microphysics, CoLM land model, nonlocal PBL(Hong and Pan, 1996) and gravity wave drag (McFarlane, 1987). Satellite radiance data possess about 50% of all the assimilated observations...
The variability of non-migrating tides in the stratosphere is investigated using temperature data from Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM30), ERA-interim reanalysis and Formosa Satellite-3 and Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC) from 2006 to ...