林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 尹天照 Tin-chiu Wan / 杨恭如 Kristy Yang / 文颂... 8.4/7051人评价 僵尸道长(1995)[ 演员 / 导演 / 编剧 ] 导演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen / 徐少强 Norman Chu / 文颂... ...
Ching-Ying Lam. Actor: Baai ga jai. Ching-Ying Lam was born on December 27, 1952 in Shanghai, China, the third of six children. He attended Shun Yi Association Elementary School in Hong Kong for 2 years. He later attended the Chun Chau Drama Society to l
林正英电影大全(The Lam Ching Ying movie)1970: the "golden sword heroes" in 1970: "golden warrior" in 1971: "1971:" a touch of Zen "Kinugawa" in 1971: "Feng Feifei" in 1971: "dragon eight" in 1971: "six 1971:" Tangshan Assassin "big brother" in 1971: "the door" in 1971: "...
林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 许冠英 Ricky Hui / 钱小豪 Siu-hou Chin / 李赛凤 ... 8.5/102791人评价 僵尸道长(1995)[ 演员 / 导演 / 编剧 ] 导演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen / 徐少强 Norman Chu / 文颂... ...
樂貿 電影 殭屍家族 Mr Vampire II VCD Lam Ching Ying 林正英 李賽鳳 Hong Kong Horror movie - $6.50. FOR SALE! But the child vampire goes free, leading to an eventual escape by the rotting "parents", who go in search of their child. 80%new少少花播放全正常 l
Vampire 鉅星版 VCD Lam Ching Ying Ricky Hui 林正英 錢小豪 許冠英. Condition: Acceptable Type: Movie Format: VCD Language: Cantonese, Chinese Actor: Lam Ching Ying Ricky Hui Subtitle Language: Chinese, English Sub-Genre: Vampires Genre: Drama Movie/TV Title: 殭屍先生 Mr. Vampire VCD ...
林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen / 徐少强 Norman Chu / 文颂... 8.5 / 14179人评价 僵尸道长2 (1996) [ 演员 / 导演 ] 导演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 尹天照 Tin-chiu Wan / 杨恭如 Kristy Yang / 文颂....
Seller:winwin188hk✉️(610)100%,Location:HONG KONG, HK,Ships to:WORLDWIDE,Item:394935494490Rare電影 青蜂俠The Green Hornet VCD Lam Ching Ying 林正英 錢嘉樂 new sealed Hong Kong movie. Condition:Brand New Type:Movie Format:VCD Language:Cantonese, Chinese ...
林正英 | LAM Ching Ying 小傳林正英,原名林根寶,1952年12月27日在香港出生,原籍上海。他在香港信義會小學讀至二年級,便輟學進入春秋戲劇學校跟粉菊花師傅學京劇與武術。五年後進入電影圈當武師及替身。因他身材瘦小,故此常被派去當女演員的替身。1971年當武術指導,1980年加入洪家班,參與大部份洪家班當武術...
Uncle Feng (as Ching-ying Lam), Producer (as Ching-ying Lam), Stunt Coordinator Prince of the Sun (1990) Khenlun (as Ching-ying Lam) $35MM Goodbye Hero (1990) Frank Stage Door Johnny (1990) Liu Swordsman (1990) Kuk (as Ching Ying Lam) Story of the Sword and the Sabre ...