郑麒膺 Kei-Ying Cheng / 罗曼迪 Man-Dik Law 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 戴志伟 Chi Wai Tai / 沈威 Wai Shum / 胡枫 Fung W... 5.5/709人评价 驱魔道长(1993)[ 演员 ] 导演: 午马Wu Ma 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 午马 Wu Ma / 邹兆龙 Collin Chou / 陈佳君 Chia-ch... ...
林正英电影大全(The Lam Ching Ying movie)1970: the "golden sword heroes" in 1970: "golden warrior" in 1971: "1971:" a touch of Zen "Kinugawa" in 1971: "Feng Feifei" in 1971: "dragon eight" in 1971: "six 1971:" Tangshan Assassin "big brother" in 1971: "the door" in 1971: "...
林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 主演: 林正英 Ching-Ying Lam / 尹天照 Tin-chiu Wan / 杨恭如 Kristy Yang / 文颂... 8.4/7095人评价 龙争虎斗(1973)[ 演员 (饰 韓先生替身) ] 导演: Robert Clouse 主演: 李小龙 Bruce Lee / 石坚 Kien Shih / 茅瑛 Angela Mao / 约翰·萨克松 John ... ...
Ching-Ying Lam. Actor: Baai ga jai. Ching-Ying Lam was born on December 27, 1952 in Shanghai, China, the third of six children. He attended Shun Yi Association Elementary School in Hong Kong for 2 years. He later attended the Chun Chau Drama Society to l
Uncle Feng (as Ching-ying Lam), Producer (as Ching-ying Lam), Stunt Coordinator Prince of the Sun (1990) Khenlun (as Ching-ying Lam) $35MM Goodbye Hero (1990) Frank Stage Door Johnny (1990) Liu Swordsman (1990) Kuk (as Ching Ying Lam) Story of the Sword and the Sabre ...
樂貿 電影 殭屍家族 Mr Vampire II VCD Lam Ching Ying 林正英 李賽鳳 Hong Kong Horror movie - $6.50. FOR SALE! But the child vampire goes free, leading to an eventual escape by the rotting "parents", who go in search of their child. 80%new少少花播放全正常 l
Movies & TV Other Formats Rare電影 青蜂俠The Green Hornet VCD Lam Ching Ying 林正英 錢嘉樂 new sealed Hong Kong movie 1 of 3See More See DetailsoneBay Sold$6.50Buy It Nowor Best Offer, $11.00 Shipping, 30-Day Returns,eBay Money Back Guarantee ...
Uncle Feng (as Ching-ying Lam), Producer (as Ching-ying Lam), Stunt Coordinator Prince of the Sun (1990) Khenlun (as Ching-ying Lam) $35MM Goodbye Hero (1990) Frank Stage Door Johnny (1990) Liu Swordsman (1990) Kuk (as Ching Ying Lam) Story of the Sword and the Sabre ...
热度: 电影小马宝莉大电影My Little Pony - The Movie (2017)台词剧本中英文对照完整版 热度: 乐高大电影(The_Lego_Movie)2014_中英对照_台词本_纯英文 热度: 林正英电影大全(TheLamChingYingmovie) 1970:the"goldenswordheroes"in1970:"goldenwarrior"in ...
林正英 | LAM Ching Ying 小傳林正英,原名林根寶,1952年12月27日在香港出生,原籍上海。他在香港信義會小學讀至二年級,便輟學進入春秋戲劇學校跟粉菊花師傅學京劇與武術。五年後進入電影圈當武師及替身。因他身材瘦小,故此常被派去當女演員的替身。1971年當武術指導,1980年加入洪家班,參與大部份洪家班當武術...