LactMed(药物与哺乳数据库) LactMed,全称为Drugs and Lactation Database(药物与哺乳数据库),是美国国家医学图书馆旗下的一个免费数据库,也是美国儿科学会建议使用的哺乳期用药信息数据库。 官网地址: LactMed收录了常见药物和化学品对母乳喂养影响的信息,主要包括药...
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
嗯,这个数据库就是LactMed。 LactMed又叫Drugs and Lactation Database(药物与哺乳数据库),由Anderson教授于2003年建立,2006年上线运营,是国立卫生研究院(NIH)国家医学图书馆(NLM)旗下TOXNET的子库之一。 LactMed内容丰富,除了哺乳期药物使用信息,还收录了少量草药、...
LactMed, released in the spring of 2006, is a new peer-reviewed database from the Specialized Information Services division of the National Library of Medicine that is accessible free of charge through the TOXNET suite of databases. As its name indicates, Lact- Med provides information on medic...
摘要: The National Library of Medicine's Drugs and Lactation Database is an essential resource for any health care professional treating or answering the questions of breastfeeding women. It is available to anyone free of charge online through the TOXNET platform.关键词:...
数据库SQl ALTER TABLE USER DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;DDL -- 对数据库进行操作的语言 create database数据库名; drop database数据库名; use数据库名; show databases; create table 表名( id int(5), name varchar(20) ); mysql web 学习
•Peer-reviewedandfullyreferenceddatabaseofdrugstowhichbreastfeedingmothersmaybe exposed.Amongthedataincludedarematernalandinfantlevelsofdrugs,possibleeffectson breastfedinfantsandonlactation,andalternatedrugstoconsider. •PartoftheNationalLibraryofMedicine's(NLM)ToxicologyDataNetwork(TOXNET®).Itincludes ...
LactMed, part of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET®), is a database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels of such substances in breast milk and infant blood, and the possib...
LactMed-new NLM database on drugs and lactation LactMed, released in the spring of 2006, is a new peer-reviewed database from the Specialized Information Services division of the National Library of Medi... P Tomasulo - 《Medical Reference Services Quarterly》...
LactMed-new NLM database on drugs and lactation LactMed, released in the spring of 2006, is a new peer-reviewed database from the Specialized Information Services division of the National Library of Medi... P Tomasulo - 《Medical Reference Services Quarterly》 被引量: 18发表: 2007年 ...