(d) Economic(lack ofappropriatefinancingmechanisms for sustainable consumption and production investments;lack of financialincentives; widespread poverty) daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org (d) 经济方面(缺乏适当的融资机制以供进行可持续消费和生产方面的投 资;缺少财政奖励办法;普遍贫穷) ...
The plan was criticized for itslackof rationale. 该计划因缺乏根据而遭到批评. 《简明英汉词典》 His remarkslackpoint. 他的言词缺乏要点. 《简明英汉词典》 Hislackof English handicaps him. 他的英语不好对他是一件不利的事. 《简明英汉词典》 ...
education is a major predictor of passing poverty from one generation to the next, and 5 an education is one of the top ways to achieve financial stability.The problem is that about 258 million children and youth are out of school around the world, according to UNESCO dat a _6_ in ...
Nadler, Mark
other projects to enable Palestinian students to pursue their studies despite the lack of financial resources either through UNESCO structures and programmes (such as IIEP training [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 总干事鼓励会员国支持其它项目,使巴勒斯坦 学生 在 缺少 资 金 的情 况下,或者通 过教科文...
” One participant shared how their car had broken down and they couldn’t get the medication they needed for their endometriosis. The lack of financial resources also affected participants’ access to further supports such as Psychology. Many participants’ shared their experience of “being-in-...
“Making meetings about the financial stability of colleges private and closed to the public – with representatives and protocols largely under your Department's control – only raises further questions about the Department's intentions in the forthcoming rulemaking process,” the Democr...
China, by contrast, views the currency issue not as an end in itself but as one of many pieces in the broad mosaic of financial reforms. That leads to a completely different perspective from both sides that has now boiled over in the form of trade frictions. ...
base in relation to growing private-sector contributions, as well as the lack of consolidated and clear financial reporting, [...] daccess-ods.un.org 检查专员对以下情况表示关注:相对于不断增加的私营 部 门捐款, 会员国 筹款基础十分有限;没有一 种统一的和明确的财务报告制度;大幅度减少向 GCO...
There are two kinds of poverty. The first is relative poverty, which means that you have fewer resources than others around you. The other is abject poverty, which means that you are unable to meet even your most basic daily needs.