The Design of serial communication based on LABVIEW 摘要 美国国家仪器公司的LABVIEW是一种图形化编程语言,它的根源在于自动化控制和数据采集。其图形化的代表性,类似于过程流程图,它为科学家和工程师提供一个直观的编程环境,在过去20年中成熟历程中,这个语言已经成为一个通用的编程环境。LABVIEW使得它成为很好的自动...
of Mechanical & Material Engineering, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002 , China)Abstract: Taking star delta starting monitoring system of electric motor as an example, the methods of serial communicationbetween LabVIEW and FX2N PLC will be introduced based on FX2N-232BD communication card...
2 Sketch map of the serial port communication application example 串口通信要求数据格式为字符串型, 故将1D 布尔数组转换为数值, 进而由数值转换为字符串。 由于传输距离为400 m,故串口通信采用无线传输。 靶端微机串口与发送电台采用三线接法,TxD、RxD、S-GND 对应连接。光源端微机串口和接收电台也采用三线接...
some functions of serial ports such as opening and closing, commands sending and responses receiving, etc. can be easily called. Then, the communication between the ECG sensor and the ECG virtual instrument is established. By this way. the opening and the closing controls of the ECG sensor, ...
and run the FPGA VI programmatically from the Real-Time VI using the Open FPGA VI Reference or Run Method, make sure that a considerable delay (at least 2 seconds) is left between the moment when the FPGA VI starts running and when the serial communication is opened with the NI-VISA VIs...
Based on simple introduction of LabView dummy instruments platform,analyses the mode of serial communication between STC12C5A60S2 MCU and LabView,and gives its software and hardware design with an example of a system of Temp-Watch. The application of advanced virtual instrument software LabView, ...
Connect the instrument’s port to the NI serial interface device or the computer’s port via a serial cable and power it on. If you have a two-wire RS-422/485 instrument, refer to Set Up 2-Wire (Half-Duplex) Communication with RS-485 Port. Configure Hardware in MAX In Measurement and...
Connect the instrument’s port to the NI serial interface device or the computer’s port via a serial cable and power it on. If you have a two-wire RS-422/485 instrument, refer to Set Up 2-Wire (Half-Duplex) Communication with RS-485 Port. Configure Hardware in MAX In Measurement and...
NI LabVIEW software can communicate with a programmable logic controller (PLC) in a variety of ways. Modbus is a serial communication protocol published by Modicon in 1979 to communicate with PLC, and was then extended to the TCP protocol. Modbus became
针对实际工业应用中数据采集点多,存储量大的特点,单串口和小型数据库如Access,已不能满足工业上多通道数据传输以及大数据量存取的需求,研究可以实现LabVIEW多串口数据通信以及将采集数据快速存储到中,大型数据库的方法,显得非常有必要.该研究实现了LabVIEW多路串口并行通信,并通过结合LabSQL ADO和SQL语言,自动实现对SQL ...