1 打开communication setup utility,点击Wizard;2 设置Logical station number为1,点击Next;3 设置Pc side I/F为serial,connect port为COM1(实际PLC连接的串口号),timeout为1000ms,点击Next;4 选择PLC side I/F为CPUmodule,CPU type为FX1s(实际所连PLC型号),transmission speed为9600bps,control为DTR ...
After entering one's serial number, the software valid under the Academic Volume License can be downloaded onto the computer. These can then be utilized to create Volume License Installers.If the LabVIEW software is still available on NI's website, download the software and utilize the academic...
Install NIlabview2018 Control Design and Simulation Module with this serial number.”Serial number:...安装双击运行见到“下一步”就点……直到出现需要输入SERIALNUMBER时单击右键选“粘贴”,单击“下一步”,完成安装。需要注意的是到最后的时候不需要激活,点“完成”就可以了。破解运行“NI许可证管理器”-“选项”-"安装许可证文件",如下:我这里的“许可证文件”为“lab”,单击“打开”就可以...
We pass a register name toLJM_eReadNameand it reads the value of that register. In this case we are reading the register named "SERIAL_NUMBER" which returns the serial number of the device. For more names refer to theT7 DatasheetorModbus Map. ...
文档格式:DOC | 页数:5 | 浏览次数:68 | 上传日期:2015-06-20 11:15:29 | 文档星级: (1) 安装 1. 运行 Distributions\LV\setup.exe , 点击下一步, 直到提示输入序列号。 2. 运行 NI License Activator.exe, 选择“Options\Generate Serial Number” , 复制序列号到安装程序的序列号文本框中。 3. ...
However there is a number of devices that do not follow these rules. So Initialize Serial.vi allows to set the same parameters as basic VISA Configure Serial Port.vi. Limitations on serial parameters can be implemented in higher level specific device library....
Using the Downloading NI Software link above get DevSuite_2015DS1_ENG_WB.exe When you run this there's an option to let your serial number determine what is downloaded. Following are the more interesting screen shots during install. I downloaded the file then did a seperate install. That wa...
常是出现字母+数字时会变成3F 还有二个字母时会变成0 why?0 mscomSerialWrite2.rar 18.21 KB , ...