The snippet below shows the code as described in the Build a For Loop section above with one exception - a conditional terminal is added. This code stop executing if the random number generated is zero or if the loop has gone through 100 iterations -- whichever comes first. ...
Figure 10. G Code Equivalent for the DFIR Loop-Invariant Code Motion DecompositionIn this case, the increment operation is moved outside the loop. The loop body remains so the array can be built, but calculation does not need to be repeated in each iteration....
Variable Client Support 1.0.0 Broadcom 57xx Gigabit Ethernet driver T5 and T6 Methodology and Considerations In test T5 and T6, NI used nonbuffered, network-published shared variables of the Waveform of Double datatype. T5 and T6 Hardware/Software Configuration ...
When wiring through a While Loop or For Loop, the data type entering is different than the data type exiting. Why is this?Solution What is Auto-Indexing? Auto-indexing is the ability for LabVIEW to read and process every element in an array when using a For Loop or While Loop. When au...
The Call Chain function cannot be used with Timed Loops, including any VIs called from within the Timed Loop. 4BNBIA30 XNOR (Not XOR) and NAND (Not And) functions do not yield correct data with integer array inputs. Debugging Known Issues ...
This method is a good way to think things through, sometimes with the help of other LabVIEW programmers. If you are not sure how a certain function will work, prototype it in a simple test VI, as shown in Figure 3-4. Artificial data dependency between the VIs and the main While Loop ...
Jitter is introduced into the delayed While Loop. The possibility of jitter grows with the number of accessors. If you do not schedule simultaneous requests, the delay through the arbiter is constant regardless of the number of potential accessors. Arbitration Options The following arbitration ...
Figure 7.79. Checking for errors in a While Loop to exit the loop when there is an error Use Shift Registers to Pass Errors Through Loops Always use shift registers (not tunnels) for passing error clusters through the wall of a loop. This is especially important for a For Loop, as shown...
• If possible, do not build arrays using the Build Array function within a loop because the function makes repetitive calls to the LabVIEW memory manager. A more efficient method of building an array is to use auto-indexing or to pre-size the array and use the Replace Array Element funct...
You should put Write Delimited out of the loop (Figure 38). Putting the VI inside the loop is not the good way of using it. Because LabVIEW at every iteration would open-write-close the file if it is inside the loop. This is not good in terms of VI efficiency. Figure...