替换数组子集 Replace Array Subset 数组插入 Insert Into Array 删除数组元素 Delete From Array 初始化数组 Initialize Array 创建数组 Build Array 数组子集 Array Subset 数组最大值与最小值 Array Max & Min 重排数组维数 Reshape Array 一维数组排序 Sort 1D Array 搜索一维数组 Search 1D Array 拆分一维数组 S...
683963 ReturnThe Unit Test Framework may remove trailing zeros from fixed point numbers in the reports it generates. Workaround:Change the numeric representation of the number, or append a small value to the number so the zeros are displayed. ...
循环结构中的默认数据 在 LabVIEW 6.0 和前期版本中,如果 For 循环未执行,会产生未定义数 据.在 LabVIEW 6.1 和更高版本中,如果将 0 连接到 For 循环的总数接线 端或将空数组作为输入连接到 For 循环并且启用自动索引, For 循环将产生 默认值.该循环将不会执行,任何禁用自动索引的输出隧道 (tunnel) 将返 ...
入Select的“s”输入端;3)每次循环都使用 Build Array函数将左端的移位寄存器直接 连接到Select函数的“f”输入端,这样Select函数的输入端就是所有满足条件的元素的索 引值;4)将 Select函数的输出端连到右端的移位寄存器上。这样程序结束后,For循环的 右端移位寄存器的数据就是需要的索引值。 35、 移位寄存器和反...
Append digital samples. Digital waveform to Boolean array. Boolean array to digital waveform. Waveform Conditioning. *Denotes VIs that are shipped with the Base package of LabVIEW for Windows. **Waveform VIs input a time-domain signal and output a scaled measurement. We highly recommend that check...
Waveform Data Type When indexing beyond the bounds of an array of waveforms, the resulting waveform is a proper default waveform with the dt value equal to 1, instead of an improper waveform with the dt value equal to 0. This also is true when executing a For Loop with a scalar output ...
Place an Event structure on the block diagram inside of a While Loop. For this example, use the timeout event case to plot random data, from the Simulate Signal Express VI, onto our graph and wire a constant of 50 into the timeout event. Next, create an event case to stop our ...
1D array of double-precision, The ijth element of the array defines the floating-point numeric values time delay between the ith output and jth input of the model. String A string for storing additional data. It can contain comments or other information that you want to store with the ...
使用循环结构(WhileLoop、ForLoop)实现重复执行。 3.3基本控件和函数 数值控件: 控件:数值输入(NumericControl)、数值显示(NumericIndicator)。 函数:加法器(Add)、减法器(Subtract)、乘法器(Multiply)、除法器(Divide)。 字符串控件: 控件:字符串输入(StringControl)、字符串显示(StringIndicator)。 函数:字符串连接(...
Build the block diagram so that it has a While Loop with an Event Structure, as shown in Figure 13.139. Add an event for the stop button's Value Changed event. Place the stop button terminal inside this event case and wire it to the While Loop's Conditional Terminal, which should be ...