Once you have familiarized yourself with the For Loop, learn how you can pass information from one loop iteration to the next using shift registers. You can use the Learn LabVIEW Basics online educational material as a resource to get started. Process elements of an array individually using aut...
当For循环结束时,在循环框右边界积累了y1和y2两组值,经过Build Array到曲线显示。注意注意:在公式节点框架中出现的所有变量,必须有一个相对应的输入端口和输出端口,否则程序运行时会报错。第2章 程序结构图2-27 例2.7的前面板和程序框图第2章 程序结构习习 题题 22.1 分别使用For循环和While循环实现N!,要求N...
函数就可以修改了,如果要改变游标的坐标,可以Index Array 索引出某个游标,然后Bu ndle by name就可以修改,再replace array或者其他数组函数,将改变后的簇数组写入另 一个cursor list的属性节点即可。 63、利用Build Application生成exe文件,如果原程序用到了current vi’s path,那么 就会出现原先默认能找到的文件现在...
In the examples, there are 2 NI-9238 so a 2D has been created, with one module per row. Use the Index Array functions to extract each row from the 2D array, and the Build Array set to Concatenate Inputs to build into a 1D array. Wire to the input of a For Loop and Disable In...
Jitter affects the loop because the Build Array function inside the loop uses the LabVIEW Memory Manager at every iteration to allocate memory for the array. Figure 5-1. Memory Allocation in Control Loop The block diagram in Figure 5-2 uses the Initialize Array function outside the loop and ...
ReturnIn certain cases, Unit Test Framework cannot detect a LV Class object inside a Packed Project Library when block diagrams are removed. Workaround:Set the block diagram of the VI calling the LV Class to not be removed in the Packed Project Library's build specification. ...
函数Array函数用来插入下个运行状态的字符串,状态变更通过修改该字符串即可。上面的所提到的问题现在就可以自行设计解决了。参见下图IIH0Initialize*. Default,statu5_2n statusj图541.2-3队列状态机基本结构如果想在Initialize后执行status_4状态,那就将上图中的字符串常量 (status_1 )修改为:status_4并且在status ...
数组Array 数组大小ArraySize 索引数组IndexArray 替换数组子集ReplaceArraySubset 数组插入InsertIntoArray 删除数组元素DeleteFromArray 初始化数组InitializeArray 创建数组BuildArray 数组子集ArraySubset 数组最大值与最小值ArrayMax&Min 重排数组维数ReshapeArray 一维数组排序Sort1DArray 搜索一维数组Search1DArray 拆分一维数组...
• If possible, do not build arrays using the Build Array function within a loop because the function makes repetitive calls to the LabVIEW memory manager. A more efficient method of building an array is to use auto-indexing or to pre-size the array and use the Replace Array Element funct...
64 Bit Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz 2 GB RAM Gigabit ethernet Host Software Windows Vista 64 LabVIEW 8.20 and LabVIEW 8.5 CompactRIO Hardware cRIO 9012 64 MB RAM CompactRIO Software LabVIEW RT 8.20 and LabVIEW RT 8.5 Network Variable Engine 1.2 (with LabVIEW 8.20) and 1.4 (with LabVIEW 8.5) ...