Employers must register their establishment under the Act, if applicable in their state. This involves completing the labour welfare fund registration process accurately and promptly. As state regulations specify, they are responsible for contributing their share towards the fund. Employers must collect w...
However, section 2 of the TUA prohibits an unregistered trade union from functioning, while sections 3, 4 and 5 make provision for the process and procedure for registration of trade unions. Industrial actions include a picket, strike, etc. and are embarked on by employees and/or trade unions...
Our tech-driven solution, Simpliance, centralizes audit management across multiple locations, making the process seamless and hassle-free. Last-Mile interface with the Statutory Authorities/Stakeholders Simpliance: Innovative & Simple Compliance Products ...
Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965 was established to fund for the purpose of subsidizing initiative to enhance the welfare of workers in the state of Karnataka. The Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) is a statutory payout that each state administers independently. This contribution is provided in ...
177. Application for registration 178. Requirements for applications 179. Requirements for registrations 180. Disqualification for being an officer or a member of a trade union 181. Registered trade union to maintain register etc. 182. Registration ...
Gujarat Labour Welfare Fund Has Been Increased 66. PAYMENT OF WAGES OF WORKERS THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT 67. Minimum Wages (Central Sphere) W.E.F. 01.10.2016 68. ESIC Raises Wage Threshold To Rs 21,000 69. Online Inspection In Factory Act. 70. TDS Limit Raised Form 30000 To 50000 In EPF ...
The registration can be done online. The idea is to ensure jobseekers registered with the regional employment office are informed first about vacancies and to better utilise the potential of the domestic workforce. The regional employment office may propose suitable candidates and the employer is ...
policy-related factors and psychological factors New aspects of seasonal migration were identified such as \"role of labour contractors\", \"inter-generational mobility\", \"social networks\", \"grassroot politics\", \"migrant's relationship with the agents\", \"labour registration process\", ...
E.ProcessofRegistrationunderMotorTransportWorkersAct 14 F.ProcessofRegistrationofPrincipalEmployerUnderInterstateMigrantWorkmenAct 15 G.ProcessofGrantingLicenseunderInterstateMigrantWorkmenAct 16 H.ProcessofRenewalofLicenseunderInterstateMigrantWorkmenAct 17 I.CertificationofStandingOrders 18 J.Processofaddressingqueries...
[proceeds to waffle on for more than four minutes about political instability, Wolfgang Münchau, economic implosion, Ponzi scheme, over-regulation, Labour government, age of entitlement, human rights law, (excessive) immigration, Gordon Brown, equality law, working from home, welfare benefits, ...