LABOUR RELATIONS ACT 66 OF 1995Sections, Arrangement O F
EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 2004 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Section Title PART I PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS 1. Short title and commencement 2. Application 3. Objects 4. Interpretation PART II FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS Sub - Part A - Child Labour 5. Prohibition of child labour Sub - ...
[法律资料]坦桑尼亚劳动法 Employment and Labour Relation Act 6br/br/employment and labour relations act, 2004 arrangement of sections section titlebr/br/part i preliminary provisions 1. short title and commencement 2. application 3. objects 4. interpretation part iibr/fundamental rights and protectio...
An examination of employee participation as provided for in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 The thesis covers the field of labour law known as employee participation in decision-making. It deals with the examination of the extent to which the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (the Act) ...
An Act to repeal the Industrial Relations Act 1971; to make provision with respect to the law relating to trade unions, employers' associations, workers and employers, including the law relating to unfair dismissal, and with respect to the jurisdiction and procedure of industrial tribunals; and ...
...宣称波音的这一行为违反了美国国会1935年制定的《国家劳动关系法案》(National Labour Relations Act)。|基于8个网页 2. 国家劳资关系法 act-英汉词典-英中字典... ... National Labour Relations Act {n.}国家劳资关系法 National Security Act {n.}国家安全法 ...|基...
The application of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969 to unfair dismissal disputes under the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 In Hernandez v. State, a New York state court held for the first time that the New York Constitution guarantees a "fundamental right" to organize and barga... C Bensc...
Public Service Labour Relations Act No. 102 of 1993. [Excerpts. 28 June 1993]. This Act is designed "to regulate anew labour relations in the Public Service including collective bargaining at central and departmental levels the regist... S Africa - STATUTES OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA -...
网络劳工关系管理法案 网络释义 1. 劳工关系管理法案 act ...Labour-Management Relations Act劳工关系管理法案Land Occupation Act 土地占有条例 ...|基于7个网页
Korean labour law is typically made up of two major branches: individual employment law and collective labour law. In addition, there arise new branches of labour law, such as work councils law, labour market law and labour relations committee law. Despi