The South African National Assembly recently passed amendments to the Labour Relations Act which will roll back the right to strike. This briefing will analyse the amendments, their implications and what they tell us about the state of the labour movement, the possibilities for trade union revival...
This argument has been made primarily in relation to sex work [38] and [39] but also extends to other sectors where unfree or bonded labour is prevalent. A trafficking framework, according to migration scholars, does not account for the wide variety of situations of migrant workers, nor ...
Upendra Baxi, Chapters 5, 7–9 Future of Human Rights (3rd ed., Delhi, Oxford University Press; 4th edition in press, forthcoming 2024). The best introduction in relation to India, is, Amit Bhaduri and Deepak Nayyar, The Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalisation (New Delhi: Penguin Bo...
of births required to develop waterbirth confidence); their practice (two factors they would discuss with women in relation to water immersion for labour or birth); their confidence caring for women immersed in water for labour and birth (in the first, second and third stages of labour); ...
The first landmark of modern labour law was the British Health and Morals of Apprentices Act of 1802, sponsored by the elder Sir Robert Peel. Similar legislation for the protection of the young was adopted in Zürich in 1815 and in France in 1841. By 1848 the first legal limitation of the...
Chapter 5 Precarity, Opportunity, and Adaptation: Recently Arrived Immigrant and Refugee Experiences Navigating the Canadian Labour Market Claire Ellis and Anna Triandafyllidou 5.1 Introduction Canada relies on immigrants as key drivers of the country's population and eco- nomic growth. Composing a ...
The uncertainty surrounding the concept benefit as provided for in section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 was created not by the courts but rather by the legislature. The concept is not defined and clearly has a wide ambit. In previous decisions the courts upheld a ...
APOLLO Tyres South Africa Pty. Ltd.LABOR courtsThe uncertainty surrounding the concept benefit as provided for in section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 was created not by the courts but rather by the legislature. The concept is not defined and clearly has a wide ambit. In...
This should include raising the legal age of marriage to 18 without exceptions in order to protect children, criminalizing the act of marrying someone who does not consent, regardless of age, and civil protections that protect the in- dividual from marriage without having to penalise the ...
AlexRice UniversityJournal of African HistoryLichtenstein, Alex. 2005. "Making Apartheid Work: African Trade Unions and the 1953 Native Labour (Settlement of Disputes) Act in South Africa". The Journal of African History 46(2): 293-314.