Labour and Intersubjectivity: Notes on the Natural Law of Copyrightdoi:10.2139/ssrn.275470The paper develops a theoretical approach to copyright law centred on authorial right, yet capable of accounting for the public interest in access to and dissemSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
A Perfect Laws Portal for lawyers and Law Students of Gujarat. The Laws Provide the information about Acts,Judgements,Rules,Law News Etc in a Single Portal.
In United Arab Emirates,61 a law has been passed to ensure the right of migrant domestic workers to, among other things, terminate their work contracts unilaterally. Part 1. Scale and manifestations of modern slavery Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage Panel 4....
to date there have only been a few competition cases related to labour market power, and hence the existing case law that could be used to inform the type of evidence or analyses that could be used is limited. Despite these complications, analysing labour market substitution is not...
As the discussion document notes, “since the introduction of ET fees [in July 2013] many of these types of cases are no longer pursued in the ET, because the claimant could not afford the financial risk”. Indeed. However, leaving aside the fact that in 2013 the Coalition government went...
In the mid-1990s, the government passed a law to raise the retirement age for women over a 10-year period to make it equal with men. The coalition government then sped up the timetable as part of its cost-cutting measures. A long campaign has come to not...
Notes 1. During the 1960s, approximately 18 million urban youths were diverted to the rural areas under Mao's "Resettlement to the countryside" campaign, a measure to solve the serious urban unemployment problem as a result of the failure of the Great Leap, see Yuang and Feng 1998 for ...
Notes 2019 is chosen as the baseline year to separate the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2×4×2×62=992cohorts of employed and unemployed agents;2×4×1×1=8cohorts of inactive agents; and 1 cohort of retired agents (sex and citizenship of retired individuals are not distingu...
Notes: This table presents the results of testing the impact of employee satisfaction and labour investment inefficiency on company performance. In column (1), the dependent variable is return on assets. In column (2), the dependent variable is income per employee. All variables are defined in ...
(i) the ship has in place adequate procedures to comply with this Act and other relevant written law; and (ii) the master is familiar with the requirements of this Act and other relevant written law; and (c) the shipowner has submitted to the Director or Recognised Organisation, as the ...