industrial relations specialists and students who need or desire ready access to authoritative information of a comparative nature on problems arising in the field of labour law and industrial relations. Each judgement reprinted in "ILLR" is accompanied by Headnotes and in practically all cases by ...
Labour and Intersubjectivity: Notes on the Natural Law of Copyrightdoi:10.2139/ssrn.275470The paper develops a theoretical approach to copyright law centred on authorial right, yet capable of accounting for the public interest in access to and dissemSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
A Perfect Laws Portal for lawyers and Law Students of Gujarat. The Laws Provide the information about Acts,Judgements,Rules,Law News Etc in a Single Portal.
Korean labour law is typically made up of two major branches: individual employment law and collective labour law. In addition, there arise new branches of labour law, such as work councils law, labour market law and labour relations committee law. Despi
Notes: (a) Number is expressed in thousands; (b) "‰" denotes cases per 1,000 population; (c) "Total forced labour" com- prises privately-imposed forced labour and State-imposed forced labour; (d) "Total modern slavery" comprises privately-im- posed forced labour and State-imposed forced...
TheAustralian Journal of Labour Lawis designed to be of service both to the academic community and to practitioners in labour law and industrial relations. TheJournalseeks to publish articles, notes and comments, and detailed commentaries on recent cases and legislation in the field of labour law....
Notes: Standard errors, clustered by individual, in parentheses. Measures are defined as follows. Attitude: ‘Work hard’:“I work as hard as I can in school”. ‘Worth it’:“School work is worth doing”. ‘Work waste’:“The work I do in lessons is a waste of time” (recoded). ...
First, the employer must be a “common law” employer – enjoying the power to control the material details of how the work is to be performed. If that element is satisfied, the employer must also exercise “control” over an essential term or condition of employment. However, the judge ...
As the discussion document notes, “since the introduction of ET fees [in July 2013] many of these types of cases are no longer pursued in the ET, because the claimant could not afford the financial risk”. Indeed. However, leaving aside the fact that in 2013 the Coalition government went...
Keays to submit medical notes to support Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Labour, Employment and Human Rights Law Bulletin 2 each of his absences. When the medical notes justifying Mr. Keays absences "changed in tone" and no longer appeared as independent evaluations of Mr. Keays' disability, Honda...