labour-intensive industry meaning, definition, what is labour-intensive industry: an industry needing a lot of people to o...: Learn more.
labour-intensive adjective of or denoting a task, organization, industry, etc, in which a high proportion of the costs are due to wages, salaries, etc “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollin...
a按照劳动密集型产业的自身特点, 处于该产业中的企业一般是中小企业。至此, 我们 According to labor-intensive form industry own characteristic, is in this industrial the enterprise is generally a small and medium-sized enterprise.Here, we[translate]...
a酒店业是劳动密集型行业,它提供的是以服务为核心的服务组合产品,而员工是服务的提供者。 The hotel industry is the labor-intensive form profession, it provides is take serves serves the combination product as the core, but the staff is the service tenderer.[translate]...
What is a labor-intensive production technique? What is the difference between free labour and slave labour? What is an aggregate production function? What set of circumstances will tend to cause an individual to choose not to participate in the labor force?
The construction project required intensive labour from skilled workers. 6 Work The outcome of a person's efforts as seen in finished products or achievements. The novelist's latest work received critical acclaim. 5 Labour Effort or work, especially of a physical nature, as a commodity. The cos...
2. Wood-based panel industry is the labor-intensive industry,the labor resource has an important influence on forming international competitive advantage of WBP industry. 人造板产业是劳动密集型产业,劳动力资源要素对一国人造板产业国际竞争力具有重要的影响。 更多例句>> 补充...
Wood-based panel industry is the labor-intensive industry,the labor resource has an important influence on forming international competitive advantage of WBP industry. 人造板产业是劳动密集型产业,劳动力资源要素对一国人造板产业国际竞争力具有重要的影响。 更多例句>> 6...
Empirically, industry pairwise coagglomeration is measured using the Ellison and Glaeser (1997) metric, with the goal of understanding the complementarity versus specialisation dynamics behind the industrial geographic concentration in Portugal. It is concluded that the most prominent industrial clusters in...
Large labour intensive industries such as TCF's and service are usually big users of labour. Traditionally industries like mining and building were labour intensive jobs but in developed countries these industries have turned to being capital intensive industries. The nature of an industry's outp...