labour-intensive adjective of or denoting a task, organization, industry, etc, in which a high proportion of the costs are due to wages, salaries, etc “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollin...
Define labour-intensive. labour-intensive synonyms, labour-intensive pronunciation, labour-intensive translation, English dictionary definition of labour-intensive. adj of or denoting a task, organization, industry, etc, in which a high proportion of the
Definition of labour-intensive adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Definition of Capital Intensive Capital intensive is the capacity of the business organization measured on the basis of capital invested by the organization in its plant and machinery and other fixed assets to increase production, resulting in higher profits and earning good returns on investment. Expl...
The theoretical models in this research line dates to induced technical change (ITC) models of the 1960s, where profit-maximising firms substitute knowledge-intensive capital for labour when the price of the latter increases relative to the former. The resulting increase in capital intensity leads ...
The construction project required intensive labour from skilled workers. 6 Work The outcome of a person's efforts as seen in finished products or achievements. The novelist's latest work received critical acclaim. 5 Labour Effort or work, especially of a physical nature, as a commodity. The cos...
Explain the difference between intensive margin and extensive margin in labor economics. What does it mean, what does it affect, how are adjustments made when new firms enter the market? Provide a brief outline of the main differences and/or similarities between the varieties of ...
However, whilst the enforcement of the sit-at-home order on Mondays is no longer as intensive and extensive as it used to be, activities have not returned to usual levels in some major cities in South-East Nigeria. The overall effect is that economic activities in South-East Nigeria remain...
Specifically, we investigate whether variations in the impact of employee satisfaction occur with the degree to which a company's business model relies on labour. This is because labour-intensive companies tend to invest more in human capital than their less labour-intensive counterparts. Consequently...
If TA’s definition were correct, then society has already found the cure for the common cold! After all, there are plenty of treatments that provide relief from its symptoms. TA steps up its hyperbole in demanding people’s right to seek a cure for autism, and accuses our manifesto of ...