No Fees Paid Unless We Win Call For aFREECase Evaluation877-435-9243 Florida Overtime Lawyer Celler Legal, P.A.FREE Case Evaluation Employment Situation? History of Results for Florida's WorkersLearn More Representing Every Kind of Florida Employee ...
Hire the top business lawyers and save up to 60% on legal fees Talk to a Top Lawyer for Free Content Approvedby UpCounsel Labor & Employment lawyers at UpCounsel 5.0 UpCounsel has successfully supported over 5290 clients in navigating Labor & Employment, connecting them with a network ...
Employers often infringe the overtime laws. However, employers are advised to seek the counsel of an employment lawyer and offer their employees the overtime pay that is due. If the employer fails to observe the set federal laws on overtime pay even after the counsel of their attorney, then...
California employees have a wide range of employment rights that must be upheld by their employers inside and outside the workplace. The reality is, these laws and statutes change annually, and are hard to decipher from one year to the next. That is why we are here. ...
“right-to-work” laws, the member may still be required to pay dues and fees to the union even after terminating union membership.Right-to-worklaws are in effect in more than half of the states, and in these jurisdictions, workers cannot be required to join a union as a condition of ...
Overtime lawyer in Denver, Colorado Under theFair Labor Standards Act, nonexempt employees are entitled to minimum wage and overtime pay. Employees with unpaid wages are entitled to pursue claims to recover the unpaid wages plus attorney’s fees and other relief. ...
Tonkon Torp Labor & Employment practice group helps companies large and small comply with local, state and federal employment laws, minimizing exposure to litigation.
SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) Blogis a solid lawyerly resource and released a good summary about Judge Kavanaugh. Start here:Introduction: A close look at Judge Brett Kavanaugh. From the NYT Op Ed,A Liberal’s Case for Brett Kavanaughby Akhil Reed Amar, a Yale Law professor ...
In recent years, we have litigated cases of first impression and under the wage and hour laws resulting in beneficial outcomes for our clients. We also regularly represent clients before administrative agencies, including the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; the US Department of Labor, ...
and other benefit plans in the private sector. The Supreme Court has clarified ERISA terms and requirements, in addition to determining whether ERISA preempts various state laws. The ERISA preemption clause provides that the law supersedes any state laws to the extent that they relate to employee...