When deciding for a multilayer CES structure, modelers are left with the question of how to set up the nesting. Let us take an optimistic case and assume that some estimates (or guesstimates) of elasticities of substitution between different varieties in each dimension are available. It is impor...
I've seen installers advertising 1.00 per sq/ft up to 3.00 per ft or even more for installing laminate flooring.(always remember the cheaper prices are not always the best) I can't stress enough here that references are very important. Installers ...
Expenditure estimates include expenditures for gifts, but exclude purchases or portions of purchases directly assignable to business purposes. Also excluded are periodic credit or installment payments on goods or services already acquired. The full cost of each purchase is recorded even though full paymen...
You'll find prices for the most difficult types of estimates, such as demolition, cutting and patching, working around existing conditions, plus minimum quantity and costs. You'll find yourself turning to this costbook again and again, whenever you're preparing a preliminary estimate, evaluating...
Even though veterans are eligible for federal pensions and health benefits, many California vets rely on public state programs rather than collecting the benefits they’ve earned and deserve. A 2013 Little Hoover Commission report estimates that California leaves between $500 million and $1 billion ...
(b) With an average of 10 computers in the stock for rental, on average how much time does a computer spend in the stock for rental before it is rented by a customer? (5 points) (c) Elaine estimates that the average rental time will become 2 weeks if she increases the rental fee ...
The Board estimates that this typical business will incur only a one-time familiarization cost of no more than $151.57, and the Board concludes that this is not a substantial burden in relation to the revenues of the typical small business. The ...