(Hertelet al., 2008), where sector-specific elasticity estimates fromJominiet al.(1994)are used. Other papers with a two-skills split and a similar specification areBöhringeret al.(2005)for Germany,Boccanfuso and Savard (2008)forSenegal, and the global WorldScan model (Lejouret al., ...
Under this formula, benefits are based on a percentage of average earnings during a specified number of years at the end of a worker’s career--for example, the highest 5 out of the last 10 years--multiplied by the maximum number of years of credited service under the plan. In recent y...
The Board estimates that this typical business will incur only a one-time familiarization cost of no more than $151.57, and the Board concludes that this is not a substantial burden in relation to the revenues of the typical small business. The ...
The cost for removing and replacing base board can be from 1.50 a linear foot to 2.00 or more depending on the base board and of coarse your location. This is a good time to have it painted either by the installer if he will or yourself. If you don't have any paint a gallon will ...
Even though veterans are eligible for federal pensions and health benefits, many California vets rely on public state programs rather than collecting the benefits they’ve earned and deserve. A 2013 Little Hoover Commission report estimates that California leaves between $500 million and $1 billion ...