The heart, one of the most significant organs in the human body, is nothing but a muscular pump which pumps blood throughout the body. The human heart and its functions are truly fascinating. The heart, though small in size, performs highly significant functions that sustains human life. The...
The pelvic cavity is bound by the bones of the pelvic girdle and primarily contains reproductive organs, urinary organs, and therectumRectumThe rectum and anal canal are the most terminal parts of the lower GI tract/large intestine that form a functional unit and control defecation. Fecal contine...
Flatworms in general do not have a circulatory system and tapeworms specifically do not have a digestive system. They do have a simplified nervous system, as well as reproductive organs that can be labeled. A cross sectional diagram can show the three layers of tissue that surround the central...
Image segmentation in general is an important task in computer vision, with applications in a variety of fields, including medical imaging and its analysis and processing, e.g., in computer-guided therapy and diagnostics, including: Organ Segmentation: Segmentation of various organs in medical images...
The organs were kept at −80 ◦C until RNA extraction was performed. For RNA isolation, 50–100 mg of tissue were sliced on ice and homogenized in 1 mL TRI-Reagent® using a Qiagen TissueRuptor II and disposable probes (Hilden, Germany). Subsequent isolation of total RNA was performed...