Figure 1 shows the scanning electron microscope microstructure of potato starch, depending on pressure. Fig. 1 SEM microstructure of potato starch: native and pressurized starches under pressures in the range of 50–2000 MPa (Słomińska et al. 2015) Full size image Pasting properties The degree...
In (A) the particles are out of focus, but as the focus of the microscope moves through (B) to (D), one is able to observe various particles within the outline of the cell which come into and then go out of focus, thereby confirming that the AuNPs have been internalised. This ...
a The morphology of TSCs and OP9-DL1 cells observed by optical microscope. b TSCs were treated with various concentrations of TGF-β1 for 7 days in the presence of rosiglitazone, and Oil Red O staining was carried out to visualize accumulated lipids. Bars, 50 μM. Rosi rosiglitazone Full ...
We describe a procedure for the simultaneous immunofluorometric assay of lutropin and follitropin in human serum, based on the use of monoclonal antibodies and of the fluorescent lanthanides Eu3+ and Tb3+. The alpha-chain-specific antibody was used as a common capture antibody on the surfaces ...
We describe a new oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OI-RD) scanning microscope for high-throughput screening, in microarray format on functionalized glass slides, small-molecule compound libraries for protein ligands. The microscope employs a combination of scan mirror for y-scan and single-...
The transmission electron micrograph (TEM) image was recorded with a Philips EM208S microscope. Electrochemical measurements were carried out using Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat (PGSTAT-302 N, Netherlands). All electrochemical experiments were performed at room temperature in a typical three-electrode ...
3. Materials and Methods 3. Materials and Methods 3.1. Apparatus and Reagents 3.1. Apparatus and Reagents The scanning electron microscopy was used to perform the scanning electron microscope (SEM) imTahge osfcathnenminigcroeeleleccttrroondemsiucrrfoascceos panydwenaesrugyseddistpoerpseivrfeoXr-...
The EBL system we used in this work comprised the Nanometer Pattern Generation System (JC Nabity Lithography Systems, Bozeman, MT, USA) coupled to a scanning electron microscope (SEM, JSM-6400, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). This system accepts computer-aided design (CAD) drawings of the ...