31. HIGH MEAN CELL VOLUME (MCV) (MCV) TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR FEMALE What does high Mean cell volume test result referent values for female level mean? 32. LOW HAPTOGLOBIN TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR OVER 50 YEARS OLD What does low haptoglobin test result referent values for over...
CBC (Hb, WBC count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, basophils, RBC count, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, Platelet count), Diabetes Screening (Fasting Blood Sugar,HbA1c) and more. Diabetes Health Check up Package Comprising of sugar screening tests, cholesterol, lipid profile test and ...
Quality Control Food & Beverage Testing Classroom Education Applications Back Life Science Bioprocess Analytics Bioprocess Chromatography Cell Line Development / Characterization Cell Research Gene Expression Analysis Immunology Mutation Detection Pathogen Detection ...
l Automatic storage of test results, review and print all parameters in test results; l Color touch screen, all parameters and histograms can be displayed in the same screen; l Support the expansion of external devices such as mouse, keyboard and printer; l Optical ...
Throughput 60test/h Assay items 22 parameters, 3 parts different of WBC Sample volume 13ul (whole blood ), 20ul(prediluted blood) Mearsuring principle Electro-imprdance, photometric analysis parameter WBC LY LY% MO MO% GR GR% RBC HGB HCT MCV RDW-SD RDW-CV MCH MCHCPLT MPV...
1. Test principle: electrical resistance for counting and SFT method for HGB 2. Parameter: 3 part differentiation of WBC,20 parameters + 3 histograms 3. Language: Customizable 4. Reagent: provide original reagent 5. Memory: save more than 100,...
“I am very appreciative of the level of support Bio-Rad supplies. I have never had an issue that was not resolved.” Laboratory Professional USA “I trust Bio-Rad controls because they have not been formulated for only one specific test system.” ...
Test Mode Cbc Mode,Cbc+Diff Mode Venous Whole Blood Sample Volume Cbc+Diff Mode≤20μl Cbc Mode≤10μl Interface 4 USB Ports, 1LAN Port Bi-Direction Lis, Principle Tri-Angle Laser Scatter Parameters Wbc, Rbc, Hgb, Hct, Mcv, Mch St...
Work mode : Double Channel + unique Hemoglobin test system Sample volume: 9.6μL for Venous and capillary mode, 20μL for prediluted mode Throughput: More than 60 samples per hour, operatable 24 hours a day, auto sleeping and waking-up functions Storage: more than...
YES - Giant plts and cryoglobulins can possibly be counted as RBCs, falsely elevating the RBC count and in turn decrease the MCV. In reality, remember giant platelets have little "cell" volume while cryoglobulins (which are proteins) have none! Note: Clots affect EVERY test parameter (eg:...