31. HIGH MEAN CELL VOLUME (MCV) (MCV) TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR FEMALE What does high Mean cell volume test result referent values for female level mean? 32. LOW HAPTOGLOBIN TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR OVER 50 YEARS OLD What does low haptoglobin test result referent values for over...
Advice, Band Form Cells - PS, Basophils (%), Basophils (Abs), Blasts - PS, Eosinophils (%), Eosinophils (Abs), Hb (Hemoglobin), Hematocrit, Lymphocytes (%), Lymphocytes (Abs), MCH, MCHC, MCV, Metamyelocytes - Ps, Monocytes (%), Monocytes (Abs), MPV, Myelocytes - Ps, Neutrophils...
Our lab quality management tools give insight into the reliability and precision of a lab’s QC test system and helps improve analytical performance.
l Precision: WBC (white blood cell) CV≤4.0%, RBC (red blood cell) CV≤2.0%, HGB (hemoglobin) CV≤2.0%, PLT (platelet) CV≤8.0%, MCV (average red blood cell volume) CV≤3.0% ; l Accuracy: the allowable relative deviation range: WBC≤±15%, RBC≤±6.0%...
CBC (Hb, WBC count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, basophils, RBC count, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, Platelet count), Diabetes Screening (Fasting Blood Sugar,HbA1c) and more. Diabetes Health Check up Package Comprising of sugar screening tests, cholesterol, lipid profile test and ...
Throughput 60test/h Assay items 22 parameters, 3 parts different of WBC Sample volume 13ul (whole blood ), 20ul(prediluted blood) Mearsuring principle Electro-imprdance, photometric analysis parameter WBC LY LY% MO MO% GR GR% RBC HGB HCT MCV RDW-SD RDW-CV MCH MCHCPLT MPV...
1. Test principle: electrical resistance for counting and SFT method for HGB 2. Parameter: 3 part differentiation of WBC,20 parameters + 3 histograms 3. Language: Customizable 4. Reagent: provide original reagent 5. Memory: save more than 100,...
Gmp- compliant aseptic processing of syringes and components that can rely on: innovative, high-end, precise and absolutely safe. It consist of process of cleaning, sterilizing, filling and closing, syringe assembly, ... Product Butterfly valve mcv American international container offers cleaning...
MCV MCH MCHC RDW-SD RDW-CV PLT MPV PDW PCT P-LCR WBC Histogram RBC Histogram PLT Histogram The Picture of MY-B003 Mayamed Medical equipment Lab automatic blood test machine Auto Hematology Analyzer Our Services 1.For all your inquires about us...
Test Mode Cbc Mode,Cbc+Diff Mode Venous Whole Blood Sample Volume Cbc+Diff Mode≤20μl Cbc Mode≤10μl Interface 4 USB Ports, 1LAN Port Bi-Direction Lis, Principle Tri-Angle Laser Scatter Parameters Wbc, Rbc, Hgb, Hct, Mcv, Mch St...