Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever: Which Is the Best Fit for You? Temperament "The ideal disposition is one of a kindly, outgoing, tractable nature; eager to please and non aggressive towards man or animal," the breed standard says. "The Labrador has much that appeals to people; his ...
3. Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever mix (AKA Goldador) Arguably one of the most popular Lab crosses.Goldadorsare extremely sweet and even-tempered. They are even milder than purebred Labs and a popular choice as guide dogs. This is the best dog for anyone torn between a Labrador or a...
1. Golden Labrador Parents: Golden Retriever x Labrador mix via Instagram: @mollythelab_abdn What could possibly go wrong when you combine two of America’s favorite breeds with similar instincts, temperaments, and background? The Golden Labrador is just that. They’re a crossbreed of a Labr...
Golden, Animal, Lab image. Free for use. Comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments goldenanimallabgolden retrieverdogpet Related free images DogsGolden Retriever DogGolden Retriever SprucePine Needles ...
A beautiful black Labrador Retriever dog Should you buy a Lab puppy or an older dog? There are pros and cons to buying both puppies and older Lab dogs. Labrador puppies are more expensive and require more vaccinations initially; however, older Labradors may have health issues or require intens...
The Cutest Golden Retriever Pictures The Cutest Corgi Pictures The Cutest Dachshund Pictures The Cutest Maltipoo Pictures The Cutest Newfoundland Pictures The Cutest Great Dane Pictures The Cutest Chocolate Lab Pictures The Cutest Pug Pictures The Cutest Doberman Pictures The Cutest...
Labrador retriever n (Breeds) a powerfully-built variety of retriever with a short dense usually black or golden-brown coat. Often shortened to:Labradororlab(informal) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
24. Pugador (Labrador Retriever X Pug) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rupert (@rupertthepugador) Honestly, we were kind of hoping there wasn’t a widely used name for this mix, as we wanted to call them “Lugs.” But a lot of people have already started using the te...
If you are looking for more info onyellow Labrador retrieversorpuppy picturesfollow the link. We also have a page onchocolate labsandchocolate labrador pictures.Black labs have a strong followership. Their devotion to the black lab is almost religious. We have a page withpicturesof those little...
#4. Golden retriever - Class: Brightest dogs - Understanding of new commands: Fewer than 5 repetitions - Obey first command: 95% of time A true family dog, golden retrievers are as faithful as they are intelligent. The breed's ability to quickly pick up on commands has led to their use...