Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever: Which Is the Best Fit for You? Temperament "The ideal disposition is one of a kindly, outgoing, tractable nature; eager to please and non aggressive towards man or animal," the breed standard says. "The Labrador has much that appeals to people; his ...
1. Golden Labrador Parents: Golden Retriever x Labrador mix via Instagram: @mollythelab_abdn What could possibly go wrong when you combine two of America’s favorite breeds with similar instincts, temperaments, and background? The Golden Labrador is just that. They’re a crossbreed of a Labr...
Goldadors are very popular seeing eye dogs. They are well known for being intelligent, fast learners and very co-operative with their handlers. Like their Golden Retriever and Labrador parents, they tend to have very friendly temperaments and love spending time with their human family. Golden Re...
Galleries of adorable pics of puppers and doggos to bleach your tired eyes. The Cutest Poodle Pictures The Cutest Chihuahua Pictures The Cutest Golden Retriever Pictures The Cutest Corgi Pictures The Cutest Dachshund Pictures The Cutest Maltipoo Pictures The Cutest Newfoundland P...
Download this free photo of Golden Lab Retriever from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.
When I started looking for my first dog I had three breeds in mind: Australian Shepherd,Labrador Retriever, andGolden Retriever. After several months of searching, I found the perfect dog listed on, an Australian Shepherd Lab mixpuppy we named Linus. ...
Labrador retriever n (Breeds) a powerfully-built variety of retriever with a short dense usually black or golden-brown coat. Often shortened to:Labradororlab(informal) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
They are also working dogs and will need more than 60 minutes of exercise per day. 3. Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever mix (AKA Goldador) Arguably one of the most popular Lab crosses.Goldadorsare extremely sweet and even-tempered. They are even milder than purebred Labs and a popular...
Labrador retriever 拉布拉多寻回犬 lab 实验室 (=laboratory);实验课;工党 (Lab);工党;拉布拉多寻回犬;双语例句 1. All they knew was that this Lab was a purebred. 他们只知道马利是条纯种拉布拉多犬。—— 给力词典精选 2. They´re all Beta vulgaris, the way black Labradors and golden retrieve...
Goldador puppies, breeders and adoption. Good therapy dogs make excellent pets, and your large, confident Goldador is no exception. Despite what the name and Golden Retriever genetics suggests, your puppy could be any color from white to gold, yellow, black or brown. ...