What is lab-grown meat? How it's made, environmental impact and more Your complete guide to the nutrition, ethics and sustainability of a food revolution in the making. Indulge in your passions! Get 6 issues of BBC Science Focus Magazine for just £12!
This news comes amid an upwards trend for meat alternatives, with other companies creating faux-meats via3D bioprinting, or by usingplant-based options. Eat Just’s option being approved by the Singaporean government, however, is claimed to be a “world first.” Sorry, the video player failed...
Lab-Grown Meats Face Long Road to SupermarketArs Technica
Upside Foods' pivotal moment also comes at a key moment in the alternative meat industry. Demand for plant-based meats, once the darling of meat alternatives, has largely cooled as an influx of products crowded the market. Yet the environmental concerns that drove their rise to popularity persis...
A paper describing this research, titled “Muscle tissue engineering in fibrous gelatin: Implications for meat analogs,” wasrecently published in the journal Nature Science of Food. Editors’ Recommendations Tiger steaks and lion burgers: Lab-grown exotic animal meat is on the way...
Stem Cell Science Cultured meat directly originated from cell and gene therapy, a science that is increasingly used in the field of regenerative medicine. Cultured meat is meat grown from animal cell in culture and the first step is to make it grow in a cell proliferation bioreactor where a ...
Californian company Just, known for its eggless mayonnaise, has said previously it plans to sell cell-cultured meat by the end of this year—and told AFP it looked forward to working with the agencies. Others such as Memphis Meats and Mosa Meat, in the Netherlands, are working to get prod...
“The notion of growing breast milk in a laboratory is likely to beless alien to the publicafter the popularity of lab-grown meat.” Is it a coincidence that Bill Gates and many of his Breakthrough Energy Ventures partners have also been busy funding “billionaire burgers” and other fake ...
The truth is, it will probably be a while. When the startupMemphis Meatsannounced in April that it had for thefirst time grown chicken meat in a lab, the firm admitted that the achievement came at a cost of $9,000 per pound. That’s a pricey bite. ...
Lab-grown meat has been on the rise in recent years not only as a viable alternative to farmed meat, but also as a solution for climate change and animal rights. By harnessing advanced biotechnology, tissue engineering, and process development, Atelier Meats is producing me...