000. Lab-grown meat production stretches from thousands to hundreds of thousands of US dollars per...
Predictions state Lab-Grown Meat will become a common sight in grocery stores across the world within the next few years. The quiet revolution has been happening and may soon explode ... InLab-Grown Meat,Cultured Meat,Stocks,FinanceJun 16, 2021 ...
Lab-grown Meat 中学生英语学习阅读知识课外阅读摘要:VIP中学科技
Thanks to advances in biotechnology, meat can now be produced without need for animals or farms. Although this cultured meat isn't commercially available today, it will be arriving on our plates within the next decade.
Mooncakes filled with lab-grown meat will go on sale in China for the first time in September.今年9月,“人造肉”馅儿的月饼将在我国首次上市销售。 【名词解释】 人造肉,在英语里的叫法有lab-grown meat,cultured meat、slaughter-free meat以及clean meat等,从名字可以看出,这种肉并不是通过大规模饲养动...
Cultured meat that tastes and smells more appetizing could enhance public perception of artificial steaks
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Lab-grown meat will replicate the taste and consistency of traditional meat. Many expect the move to the lab will especially appeal to people concerned about the role land-based animal agriculture has in accelerating climate change. But as investments and research ramp up for lab-grown meat, mor...
Lab-grown Meat 中学生英语学习阅读知识课外阅读中学科技
SEE ALSO: BEHIND THE MAKING OF DELICIOUS YET HEALTHY LAB GROWN MEAT No chickens were killed in order to create Eat Just’s faux-chicken-nuggets. Instead, the company used a revolutionary method of usinganimal muscle cells. The cells are sourced from the animal in ways that include biopsies,...