[ L2_Relative_Error = \frac{| \mathbf{X} - \mathbf{Y} |2}{| \mathbf{Y} |2} ] 其中,(\mathbf{X})是模拟结果,(\mathbf{Y})是实际观测值,(| \cdot |_2)表示L2范数,即向量或矩阵的二范数。 以下是用Python计算L2相对误差的示例: importas def #计算L2范数 ord2 ord2 #计算L2相对误差 or...
Computes the relative error for the L2 norm of differences between pixel values of two images. Syntax Case 1: Operation on one-channel integer data IppStatus ippiNormRel_L2_<mod>(const Ipp<datatype>*pSrc1, intsrc1Step, const Ipp<datatype>*pSrc2, intsrc2Step, IppiSizeroiSize, Ipp64f*p...
lesion 故障;损坏;损害;伤痕;杀伤 less permeable layer 低渗透层 less than container load 并装 less 更少的;更少地;较少 less-waxy crude 低含蜡原油 lessee 承租人 lessen 减少 lesson 功课 lessor 出租人 lestiwarite 辉闪正长细晶岩 let-down vessel 放压容器 let-go 松脱 let-off pipe 出水管 let...
link-relative method 连环比率法linkage assembly 连杆机构linkage computer 联动计算机linkage editor 连接编辑程序linkage 联动装置;链系;连锁linked index 环比指数linked list 连接表linked subroutine 闭合子程序linking function 联系功能linking loader 连接加载程序linking ray 连接射线linking 耦合links 海岩草原;近岸平坦...
leucolite 淡色岩 leuconastoc mesenteroidas 肠膜状明串珠菌 leucophyre 淡色斑岩;糟化辉绿岩 leucoscope 色光光度计;感色计;光学查温器;光学高温计;感光计 leucoxene 白钛石;金红石 leuna gas 液化丙烷 leurodiscontinuity 具规则面的不整合 Leuroestheria 平饰叶肢介属 ...
The emphasis of the paper is not on the convergence analysis of the algorithm; rather the purpose is to illustrate its use in numerous applications in systems and control, including total least squares with relative errors and/or fixed elements, inverse singular value problems, an errors-in-...
) relative to an implicit gold-standard of maximal language performance (i.e. a “native” speaker). We refer to these self-evaluations asvalue-ladenbecause of the implicit demand for people to compare themselves to others. In contrast, other self-evaluations have lesser social comparison ...
2.1.1608 Part 1 Section, relSizeAnchor (Relative Anchor Shape Size) 2.1.1609 Part 1 Section, sp (Shape) 2.1.1610 Part 1 Section, spPr (Shape Properties) 2.1.1611 Part 1 Section, style (Shape Style) 2.1.1612 Part 1 Section 21.3...
Relative effects of writing mode on the skilled and less skilled learners’ writing ability The repeated measures one-way ANOVA indicated that the learners’ writing ability scores on the three writing modes were not significantly different, F(2, 130) = 0.677, p = .510. Further analysis within...