High strength nanocrystalline L1 2 -Al 3 (Ti,Zr) intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying[J] . S.S. Nayak,S.K. Pabi,B.S. Murty.Intermetallics . 2006 (1)NAYAK SS,PABISK,MURTY B S.Highstrength nanocrystallineL12 Al3(Ti,Zr) intermetallicsynthesized bymechanicalalloying[J]....
L1 2 (Al,Cr) 3 Ti-based two-phase intermetallic compounds-II. Application to coating materials on TiAl[J] . J.Y. Park,S.W. Park,H.N. Lee,M.H. Oh,D.M. Wee.Scripta Materialia . 1997 (7)J. Y. Park,etal.L12 (Al,Cr)3Ti-based two-phase intermetallic compounds-II. Application ...
The addition of third elements may help transform brittle D022-structured lightweight Al3Ti to a relatively ductile L12-structured (Al, M)3Ti (where M represents the third elements), thus increasing the ductility at the expense of hardness. Such a transf
Precipitation strengthening, yield stress anomaly and strain rate sensitivity of an L1 2-ordered intermetallic (Ni, Co) 3(Al, Ti) alloy Liu W, Krol T.Precipitation Strengthening, yield stress anomaly and strain rate sensitivity of an L12-ordered intermetallic (Ni,Co) 3(Al,Ti) alloy[J]......
A Mn-modified Ll 2 Al 3 Ti-base intermetallic was subjected to compressive deformation at room temperature under superimposed hydrostatic pressures up to 1000 MPa. It is found that its yield strength is essentially unaffected by hydrostatic pressure. The apparent work-hardening rate of true stress-...
L12 die Al3Ti basic lightweightPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an easily producible and inexpensive Ll2 type Al3Ti based lightweight heat resistant alloy which has excellent cold tensile ductility and high temperature oxidation resistance.橋本 健紀...
The microstructures and mechanical properties of an Fe-modified L12alloy containing 7.5 at.% Fe have been investigated. This alloy has been determined to be essentially single phase following a homogenization heat treatment (HHT) at 1100°C for 100h, with a very small volume fraction of ...
The L12-type long-range ordered γ′ intermetallic alloys Ni3Al, Ni3Si and Co3Ti have attracted much attention because of their potential as high temperature structural materials 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. However, such intermetallics suffer from low-temperature brittleness and inadequate high-temperatu...