High strength nanocrystalline L1 2 -Al 3 (Ti,Zr) intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying[J]. Intermetallics . 2006 (1)Nayak S S , Pabi S K , Murty B S .High strength nanocrystalline L12- Al3(Ti , Zr)intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying[ J] .In- termetalli cs ...
The structures, electronic properties, and surface energies of low-index surfaces of L12-Al3Sc intermetallic were studied systematically by the first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The calculated results show that the relaxations are mainly localized within the outermost layer...
L12 Al3Sc and A l3Y are 0 .00455 G P a_ 。 and 0.00478 G P a _ 。, resp ect ively . C omp ared t o K 3C 6o, a fairly so ft mat erial wit h t h e volu me comp ressibilit y of d In /dP = - 0.036 GPa一 ,[27】L12 A l3Sc and A13Y ...
L12-Al3Zr 3) Al 3Zr phase Al3Zr相 1. Fine particles of the metastable L1 2Al 3Zr phaseduring heat treatment (450℃×4 h) are precipitated. 结果表明 :Zr在急冷态时固溶于基体中 ,对合金固溶强化起很大作用 ;在随后热处理 ( 45 0℃× 4h)时以亚稳 L 12 - Al3Zr相析出 ,而这析出相非...
The L12-type long-range ordered γ′ intermetallic alloys Ni3Al, Ni3Si and Co3Ti have attracted much attention because of their potential as high temperature structural materials 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. However, such intermetallics suffer from low-temperature brittleness and inadequate high-temperatu...
你说你最爱看我的照片 微信头像过曝 但也点开看了又看 四年前变成单身的你终于敢大胆表白 跟我要自拍照四年后 口口声声我们断不了 不去相亲 不找女朋友 在陪我看初雪的时候设置相亲对象微信免打扰 删除了聊天记录 但舍不得删女孩的自拍照我以为你和我一样 舍不得 放不下 没想到你爱的能量还那么多 ...
弹性性质电子结构为研究 L12型 Al3(Sc1-x Zrx )合金的力学性质,采用密度泛函理论和虚拟晶体近似方法计算了晶体结构,弹性性质(B ,G, Y ),并利用 Cauchy 压力(C 12-C 44)与 Pugh 准则(B/G 值)表征不同含量 Zr(0 钱义北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083薛济来北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京...
Ren-Nian Wang,Meng-Xue Zeng,Xiao-Jun Chen,Zhou-Sheng Mo,Bi-Yu Tang,Li-Ming Peng,Wen-Jiang Ding.Elastic properties of random L12–Al3(Sc0.5TM0.5) alloys from first-principle SQSs calculations[J]. Journal of Materials Science .2012(8)...