文献来源 作为企业融资约束(financial constraint)的度量,Rahman(2023)参考Kaplan and Zingales(1997)、Cheng et al.(2014),用Compustat中的数据计算了KZ指数。 KZ Index = − 1.002 CFit/Ait-1 − 39.368 DIVit/Ait-1 − 1.315 Cit/Ait-1+ 3.139 LEVit + 0.283 Qit 其中: CFit/Ait-1:cash flow over...
gen kz_index = fin_cost_norm / bank_cost_norm 四、kz指数的解读 kz指数的值范围是0到正无穷,数值越大表明企业所受到的融资约束程度越高,如果kz指数为1,则表明企业融资成本和银行信贷成本的比率为国内平均值。 因此,一般情况下,kz指数越接近于1,说明企业在融资方面的状况和国家平均水平相近;而kz指数越远离...
Our findings cast serious doubt on the validity of the KZ index as a measure of financial constraints, while offering mixed evidence on the validity of other common measures of constraints. We find that firm size and age are particularly useful predictors of financial constraint levels, and we ...
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command("start") def start(subcommand: str): if subcommand in START_SUBCOMMANDS: repl.status(f"{subcommand} started") else: repl.error("Unknown subcommand.") @repl.complete("start") def start_completer(text, line, start_index, end_index): return [ subcommand for subcommand in START_SUB...
public int IndexOf (System.Json.JsonValue item); Параметры item JsonValue Объектдляпоискав IList<T>. Возвращаемоезначение Int32 Индекс item,еслионнайденвсписке; впротивномслучае...
哈萨克斯坦 KZ: Industrial Production Index的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 KZ:工业生产指数 (2010=100)113.6362017-12季2002-03 - 2017-12 KZ:生产指数:制造业:较上期变动百分比 (%)-1.289Sep 2017季Jun 2010 - Sep 2017 KZ:生产指数:制造业:百分比变化 (%)0.187Sep 2017季Mar 2011 - Sep 2017 ...