Definition & Meaning of "KYS"What does kys mean? View the definition of kys and all related slang terms containing kys below: kys : kill yourselfUsage of KYSUnfortunately, the abbreviation "KYS" is used to convey the message "kill yourself" in text messages. This phrase is a hurtful and...
While its exact origins are unclear, the acronymKYSemerges in internet slang in the early 2000s, seen on Urban Dictionary by 2003. Over the 2000s,KYSbecame a popular insult on internet message-boards and video-game forums, meant to convey the hyperbolic sentiment of “You just did something ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (1) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning GKYS Go Kill Yourself showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 3 definitions) new search suggest new definition Abbreviation Database Surfer « Previous Next » GKUW GKV GKVF GKVK GKW ...