I mean how much data does it really take up to keep it for old time sake! PLEASE MAKE LAUNCH ROYALE PERMANENT!!! Like 0 Reply Zulkiers Seasoned Ace to aquashrooms2 months ago @aquashroomsI have to disagree. They killed its ring by making it modern. I prefer the older ring....
19Do I mean then that food sacrificed to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. 21You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons ...
As other games also apply this, wouldn't this mean that nobody is being widespread across games as not every game publishes this data? It's not directly a 1 or a 0, just because we can't see it, doesn't mean nothing is being done, if that were the case then the game woul...
I've just discovered today that some of my shares, in fact my most successful shares are flagged and disappear from the gallery when I check "Hide reported content" I mean, four of them are maxis favs!!! So why would they give me a fav and then flag it as reported content. Please ...
releasing broken games and then relying on unpaid fellow gamers to be their customer support. I mean, it's pretty brilliant (underpay your developers and push unrealistic deadlines on them to release broken games, then just step back and let their fan-boys do damage control in the forums) ...
sgaKys":"Important Links","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1720519531384":"Important Links","title@instance:QTimIP":"Community Highlights","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1726738918424":"Important Announcement","title@instance:ztROKP":"Important Links"...
The issue is whenever I make a new household and create a new save, I will exit the game, and then when I reenter the game, it did not save. Like there is no option for "continue household" or whatever, only an option to create a new household. Every time I exit the game, my ...
Do you mean you're seeing a lag or delay in-game when trying to claim packs? Can you let me know what device you play on please? Like 0 Reply mqdsow3omzx7 to EA_Solaire2 years ago @EA_Solaire An Android DeviceTecno Spark 8c Like 0 Reply EA_Solaire Community Manager to mqdsow...
sgaKys":"Important Links","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1720519531384":"Important Links","title@instance:QTimIP":"Community Highlights","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1726738918424":"Important Announcement","title@instance:ztROKP":"Important Links"...
I mean you can't even progress anything and there's still an xp cap on portal mode at this point. They have...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjUuMnwyLjF8aXwxMHwzOToxfGludCw2OTY1NjExLDY5NjU2MTE","node":{"__ref...