Kurt Cobain 说,他不喜欢出名,《Nevermind》、《Incesticide》及《In Utero》之后,涅盘已经从非主流的境地成为了现实中年青人的一面旗帜,Kurt Cobain 嘶哑的嗓子里发出的气流让这面大旗高高飘扬。朋克音乐以“反社会”为荣,而可悲的是,他们在推广这一理念时本身已变成了一种“社会性”情绪。Kurt C...
Cobain则辩称那是他患慢性胃病的缘故。但当有人在报纸上撰文称洛夫在怀孕期间仍继续服用毒品时,舆论哗然了。Cobain和Love自然对这篇文章进行了严厉的批驳。1992年8月18日,Love产下了一个健康的婴儿,但由于文章的影响,根据洛杉矶儿童保护条例这个名叫弗朗斯.比恩.科班(France Bean Cobain)的女婴一出世...
Kurt Cobain 中文译文: 致巴达: 这是一个饱经沧桑的傻子发出的声音,他其实更愿做个柔弱而孩子气的诉苦人。这张条子应该很容易理解。所有的警告都来自于这些年来的‘朋克摇滚101’,自从我第一次介入那包含着独立性、应当称为道德原则的东西之后,你们团结一致的拥戴已证明是非常真实的。我已经好多年都不能从听音乐...
02:17 Jared Leto - Kurt Cobain 上传者:个人存款无78 04:15 Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love & Frances Bean - MTV Video Music Awards 1993 上传者:个人存款无78 07:28 Kurt Cobain Pissed Off (compilation) 上传者:个人存款无78 02:49 Rape Me (Live On 'Nulle Part Ailleurs', Paris, France-1994) 上...
About 10 to 12 days into the tour, heading back through France, Cobain began to lose his voice. For a while, a throat spray purchased in Paris and administered before shows helped ease his discomfort. After a swing through a handful of French and Italian cities — including Rome...
Vaughan speculatedwhy Cobain would keep these items: “It’s almost like these were reminders to him — or good luck charms — of harder times of what he had gone through. It also puts things into perspective that he was no different than any of us. We all understand what it’s like ...
02:17 Jared Leto - Kurt Cobain 上传者:个人存款无78 04:15 Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love & Frances Bean - MTV Video Music Awards 1993 上传者:个人存款无78 07:28 Kurt Cobain Pissed Off (compilation) 上传者:个人存款无78 02:49 Rape Me (Live On 'Nulle Part Ailleurs', Paris, France-1994) 上...
About 10 to 12 days into the tour, heading back through France, Cobain began to lose his voice. For a while, a throat spray purchased in Paris and administered before shows helped ease his discomfort. After a swing through a handful of French and Italian cities — including R...