Modern rock icon Kurt Cobain dies by suicide on April 5, 1994. His body was discovered inside his home in Seattle, Washington, three days later by Gary Smith, an electrician, who was installing a security system in the house. Despite indications that Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, kil...
Kurt是个业余porn摄影师,据说还有所谓恋粪癖,Kurt Danielson回忆说: (Kurt)老是对反常的东西感兴趣,任何越轨的,心理上反常古怪的,要是和身体机能有关那就更好。事实是:Kurt赤裸裸的用"Polly"这样的歌声援女权,学生时代也因为为同性恋同学出气和班级同学大打出手。 还是软弱最终导致了Kurt的自杀,这一点喜欢涅盘的...
“I’m so tired of crying and dreaming…” Kurt Cobainmay as well have been a Water sign poster-child. The former Nirvana musician had an astonishing number of planets in Water, including all of hispersonal planets. And, with his Sun, Mercury, andVenus in Pisces(and add to that a Sun...
(Music Video) - Kurt Cobain (archive footage), Composer Nirvana: About a Girl, Unplugged (1994) (Music Video) - Kurt Cobain, Composer Nirvana: Come As You Are, Unplugged (1994) (Music Video) - Kurt Cobain Nirvana: Dumb (MTV Unplugged) (1994) (Music Video) - Kurt Cobain Ni...
Kurt Cobain, American rock musician who rose to fame as the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the seminal grunge band Nirvana, known for such hits as ‘Smells like Teen Spirit.’ His suicide marked, in many ways, the end of the grunge movement a
Kurt Cobain Feminist QuotesFree Daily Quotes Subscribe Kurt Cobain — American Musician born on February 20, 1967, died on April 05, 1994 Kurt Donald Cobain was an American musician who was best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the rock band Nirvana. Cobain ...
(1967–94). As singer and lead guitarist of the rock band Nirvana, Kurt Cobain created angry yet melodic music that spoke to angst-ridden teens and young adults. His…
Following a North American tour, the band headed to Europe the following February. After a March 1 stop in Germany was cut short due to Cobain's lost voice, the frontman flew to Rome to seek medical treatment. He checked into the Excelsior Hotel on March 3, with Love and their baby mee...
Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 - April 5, 1994) Kurt Cobain was the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter of the Seattle-based rock band Nirvana. Nirvana served as outlet for millions of people the world over with their music and their passions. The last few years of Kurt Cobain's life...
Kurt Cobain. Soundtrack: The Batman. Kurt Cobain was born on February 20 1967, in Aberdeen, Washington. Kurt and his family lived in Hoquiam for the first few months of his life then later moved back to Aberdeen, where he had a happy childhood until his