Kubernetes 更像是一个云容器时代的一个杀手级应用,更偏向于PAAS,他的目的是高效的管理服务容器,是一个高效的容器编排引擎,它不仅实现了基本的容器调度,还实现了微服务调度框架,具体像集中的配置管理中心, ConfigMap, 服务发现与负载均衡 Service & Ingress, 服务调度编排, Controller, 服务动态缩,Heapster, Autoscali...
就会触发Cluster Autoscaler的扩展机制,Cluster Autoscaler会增加托管节点组底层的Auto Scaling Group中的desired实例数量,从而通过Auto Scaling Group部署新的EC2实例加入节点组,作为预置新节点,pending状态的pod会被调度到新的节点进行部署。
在我们管理庞大的 Kubernetes Cluster 的过程中,随着业务量的急剧增长,我们面临着一系列的挑战。为了更...
Bootkube---Kube-AWS是CoreOS提供的控制台工具,使用AWS CloudFormation部署一个功能齐全的Kubernetes集群。Kube-AWS允许您部署一个传统的Kubernetes集群,并自动提供带有本地AWS特性的每个k8服务(例如,ELB、S3和Auto Scaling,等等)。 JAAS---JAAS是Juju作为一种服务,它简化了配置、扩展和操作当今复杂软件的方式。Juju部署...
For AWS, if you are using nodeSelector, you need to tag the ASG with a node-template key "k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/node-template/label/".For example, for a node label of foo=bar, you would tag the ASG with:{ "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group", "ResourceId": "foo.example.com...
AWS Access key ID: xxxxxxx AWS Secret access key: xxxxx Default Region name: cn-north-1 Default output format: none (回车) 步骤2:利用kops-cn创建kubernete集群 请参考利用kops-cn在AWS中国区快速创建kubernetes集群的详细文档kops-cn,完成Kubernetes集群的启动。
self-healing: auto-placement, auto-restart, auto-replication, auto-scaling Why containers? Agile application creation and deployment: Increased ease and efficiency of container image creation compared to VM image use. Continuous development, integration, and deployment: Provides for reliable and frequent...
10000m # Mutually exclusive with hpa autoscaling keda: apiVersion: "keda.sh/v1alpha1" ## apiVersion changes with keda 1.x vs 2.x ## 2.x = keda.sh/v1alpha1 ## 1.x = keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1 enabled: false minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 11 pollingInterval: 30 cooldownPeriod: 300 ...
--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-*:custom metrics 相关参数,支持 autoscaling/v2alpha1; --tls-cert-file、--tls-private-key-file:使用 https 输出 metrics 时使用的 Server 证书和秘钥; --use-service-account-credentials=true: kube-controller-manager 中各 controller 使用 serviceaccount 访问 kube-apiserver; ...
EE brings many additional features that extend the basic functionality provided in CE. They include OpenStack & vSphere integration, Istio service mesh, multitenancy, enterprise-level security, BGP support, instant autoscaling, local DNS caching, and selectable timeframe for the platform's upgrades....