we provide a comprehensive review of various scheduling algorithms in the context of Kubernetes. We characterize and group them into four sub-categories: generic scheduling, multi-objective optimization-based scheduling, AI-focused scheduling, and autoscaling enabled scheduling,...
To keep up with application demands in Kubernetes, you might need to adjust the number of nodes that run your workloads. The cluster autoscaler component watches for pods in your cluster that can't be scheduled because of resource constraints. When the cluster autoscaler detects issues, it scales...
This API is used to obtain details about a specified cluster.The URL for cluster management is in the format of https://Endpoint/uri. In the URL, uri indicates the resour
Kubernetes Networking Container Networking Services Ingresses Readiness Probes Network Policies Persistent Storage Volumes PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, and StorageClasses Authentication and Authorization Service Accounts RBAC Auto Scaling Getting Started Deploying an NGINX Deployment ...
The Kubernetes version of the existing nodes in your multi-cloud pool can be upgraded in place. Your workload will theoretically keep running during the upgrade, but it is best to drain the node before the upgrade.In the Pools section of your Kosmos cluster, click Upgrade next to the node...
KEDA isKubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling. Let’s break that down. Azure Functions can, of course, run in Azure but they can also run in a container on a server that has the Azure Functions runtime installed on it. That server could be, say, an agent node(s) in a Kubernetes ...
Accelerate your generative AI journey with NVIDIA NeMo Framework on GKE (2024/03/16) An end-to-end walkthrough to train generative AI models on the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using the NVIDIA NeMo Framework is available at https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nvidia-nemo-on-gke. The ...
NexClipper - NexClipper is the container monitoring and performance management solution specialized in Docker, Apache Mesos, Marathon, DC/OS, Mesosphere, Kubernetes by @Nexclipper Out-of-the-box Host/Container Monitoring/Logging/Alerting Stack - Docker host and container monitoring, logging and alerti...
Container-based virtualization techniques are becoming an alternative to traditional virtual machines, due to less overhead and better scaling. As one of the most widely used open-source container orchestration systems, Kubernetes provides a built-in mechanism, that is, horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA)...
StatefulSet, or ReplicationController). During running, the pods will be automatically scaled in or out within this range based on the average CPU usage of all pods. If the target usage is not specified or the parameter is set to a negative value, the default auto scaling policy will be ap...